James Mulholland - Praying Like Jesus

cover of book titled "Praying Like Jesus"

James Mulholland is an author and Quaker pastor who's religious path has spanned tremendously, including fundamentalist Christian to United Methodist to Quakerism. He's written 3 books, including Praying Like Jesus, If Grace Is True and If God Is Love. He fearlessly faces the big questions and shares the fruits of his learning through his writing.

His books are widely available including, of course, via Amazon.com.

His upcoming book is Lukewarm Christianity.

First Air Date

James Mulholland - Praying Like Jesus

Audio file

He sees good arguments to abolish religion.
He went from a biblical literalist and not seeing his cherry picking of the Bible to acknowledging that all people use filters to cherry pick what they believe from the Bible.
Also about the coming out of the prayer of Jabez and how it affected his writing.
About the book about a prayer in the bible that gave him wealth and the cult of prosperity that grasped onto it.
but sadly how it has become done the opposite of what it should be.
About How he went from the fundamentalist mindset to becoming a universalist and beyond.
his path that led him from his fundamentalist upbringing to becoming a universalist.

Broadcast Date(s)


James Mulholland


I found the show interesting but think that we need to dig much deeper. A few questions that need to be asked. Why is there an assumption that if god exists he must be good? What is the nature of good, is god the definition of good or is the definition of good something that goes far beyond whatever gods might exist.

Great interview Mark! Obviously a practiced interview participant but I think you gave him some questions that were thought provoking.

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