photo of Steve Wagener
CV Draft and Military Counseling Network

Steve Wagener had a history of political activism, but he had to be jarred out of a period of dormant passions by the combination of his son's unwilling role in the military and Steve's reaction to the manipulations leading up to our invasion of Iraq. His early Catholic foundation serves him well as he has stepped to the front lines of anti-war activism in the Chippewa Valley.

Steve is active with Military Families Speak Out, the Chippewa Valley Draft and Military Counseling Network and is an associate member of the local Veterans for Peace group. He speaks his piece vibrantly in many forms, including via his web site,

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Norm Mathews' Song of the Soul

Norm Mathews grew up mostly in Pentacostal churches, but it was really as an adult that this became his chosen religious practice. He's rededicated his life to Christ at times when he faced real challenges to his heart, like when he became an over-the-road trucker or when his 2nd daughter was on the verge of death. He is a devoted student of the Bible, trying to discern God's call for his life.

photo of Wix Covey
Wix Covey - Northwoods Peace Fellowship and Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice

Wix Covey is one of the founders of the Northwoods Peace Fellowship, centered in Wausau, Wisconsin, and he also serves on the executive committee of the Wisconsin Network for Peace & Justice

The attack on the twin towers was a wake-up call for Wix. He had felt abused by our government as a soldier during the Vietnam War, something that took him 20 years to come to grips with. He eventually found a calling and personal peace work as an elementary school art teacher. He shares the life experiences that led him to become a public peace activist and how he integrates non-violence and peace work into his life.

photo of Sandra Helpsmeet smiling and leading a Yoga class
Sandra Helpsmeet's Song of the Soul

Sandra Helpsmeet was raised Presbyterian in the Amana Colonies of central Iowa, becoming a Quaker in her 30's. Music, singing, Lake Superior, canoeing, mediative circle dance and Yoga are just a few of the passions in her life.

Sandra is the founder of the Yoga Center of Eau Claire and a psychotherapist at Southwoods Counseling Clinic.


photo of Mary Rehwald
Mary Rehwald - Ashland ECO-Municipality and The Natural StepMary Rehwald spear-headed the successful effort of the city council to declare Ashland, WI an ECOmunicipality, incorporating the Natural Step process. Mary is a member of Ashland's City Council and a Northland College faculty member. A life-long Unitarian, she has a special spiritual calling toward building community. She has a stong connection to caring for the earth and living responsibly upon it.
photo of Josh Polich
Josh Polich's Song of the Soul

Josh Polich was raised ELCA Lutheran where he took particular joy in being part of the choir. With adulthood he was led to read up on Eastern religions, eventually finding real resonance with Hindu chanting. At Unity Christ Center in Eau Claire he found a spiritual home and community of acceptance for his practices and a source of joy and support. He leads chanting there on Tuesday evenings at 8 pm.

You can find lyrics and more information about Krishna Das at

logo for Pax Christi
John Williams - Pax Christi, Peacemaking & Psychotherapy

John Williams was a Catholic priest in his 20's, till he felt another calling. He taught for decades at University of Wisconsin - Stout, in the Human Development and Family Living Department. Now in semi-retirement, he has help found a Pax Christi chapter at St Joseph's Catholic Church in Menomonie.

John's path has been deep and dedicated, pursuing healing and peace in their many forms. He's taught pastoral psychology and moral theology, and trained a generation of Marriage and Family Therapists, and is currently editing a book on the JFK assassination, as well as doing research related to the Vatican Council of the Catholic Church.

Music Featured:
A Healing In This Night - Bob Franke
Lake Isle of Innisfree - Bill Douglas

photo of Sarah Pederson
Sarah Pederson's SECOND Song of the Soul

Sarah Pederson shared her first Song of the Soul with us just over 4 months ago, but her spiritual life has been unfolding at an amazing clip in the interim. Since that first Song of the Soul she's found a soul mate, become engaged to be married, and discovered a deep, disciplined and joyful addition to her spiritual practice.

She still is providing massage and yoga through Gaia Massage and Yoga, located in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, but her jouney, from Catholic upbringing surges onward, including Sanscrit chanting and more.


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Jo Vallentine - Australian Green Party Senator

Jo Vallentine was the first Australian Green Party Senator. She brought principled action to Australia's federal Senate, earning her the scorn of many "business as usual" politicians, as she served as advocate and voice in Australia's Parliament for a number of progressive issues for 8 years

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Michael Neely's Song of the Soul

Michael Neely lives in Canberra, the federal capital city of Australia. His family hosted me as I traveled with a Quaker group called the Friendly FolkDancers and Michael agreed, on the spur of the moment to share the music that speaks of his soul and talk about his life as an Australian, Catholic-raised, now attending Quaker meeting.

Michael attended an Australian Catholic primary school, moving to public/government schools as of 7th grade. His mother grew up in Italy, his father is Australian born and raised, and both Michael and his family have been sorting out their spiritual paths as they've grown.