JONAH - Joining Our Neighbors Advancing HopeWe visit with 3 congregationally-based organizers about JONAH (Joining Our Neighbors Advancing Hope), MICAH (Milwaukee Interfaith Congregations Allied for Hope) and WISDOM. Jonah is a new Chippewa Valley effort to link congregations working together progressively for the good of all.
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The Peace Sing-along - Eau Claire's Song of the Soul

A number of folks in Eau Claire started Advent with a Peace Sing-along. The event was organized by Eau Claire Friends Meeting (Quakers), hosted by Unity Christ Center, and co-sponsored by Eau Claire's Unitarian Universalist Congregation, the Network of Spiritual Progressives and Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ, each providing 15 minutes of peace-related songs for all to sing. Although the recording quality was low, the Spirit of the gathering was high!

photo of Rabbi Mel Glazer
And God Created Hope - Grief and Recovery Rabbi Mel Glazer is author of a new book And God Created Hope, Finding Your Way Through Grief with Lessons from Early Biblical Stories which helps people do the work that heals grief and leads to a resolution.
logo for Network of Spiritual Progressives
Network of Spiritual Progressives - Steering Committee for Eau ClaireThere is a lot of energy for the newly formed chapter of the Network of Spiritual Progressives in Eau Claire, and I visited with the members of the just-formed steering committee about what called them to this work, and what their plans are for the local chapter.
photo of Nichola Torbett giving a presentation
Nichola Torbett - Network of Spiritual ProgressivesNichola Torbett is National Organizer for the Network of Spiritual Progressives (NSP). She conveyed powerfully the vision of NSP as she spoke in Eau Claire on October 19, 2006, helping crystalize the formation of a local chapter, here in the Chippewa Valley.
photo of Doctor Koenig
Dr. Harold Koenig - Spirituality and HealthHarold Koenig is vitally interested in studying the relationship be religious faith/practice and healing, both mentally and physical and has led more than 25 studies documenting an astonishing correlation between religious devotion and health. He is the founder of the Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health at Duke University Medical Center.
Photo of Carol with her guitar.
Carol Johnson's Song of the Soul

Carol Johnson has been producing music for adults and children for decades and her music has even been featured on Sesame Street and in national hymnals and curricula. Among the powerful, moving and insightful spiritual music she has created is the theme song for our Spirit In Action programs, "I Have No Hands But Yours." She lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan, performing and touring extensively.

photo of Paul
Paul Kaldjian - Geography & Refuser Solidarity NetworkPaul Kaldjian is the living product of a rainbow of cultural & religious heritages, Finnish and Armenian, diverse religious groups, all combining to create a person who has a passion for creating personal-international connection. He's a Mennonite, a geography professor at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, and a board member of the Refuser Solidarity Network, a group that seeks to support Israeli "refusniks" and inform the world about this element of the Israeli peace movement.
photo of Holly Near on the cover of her latest CD "Show Up"
Holly Near - Singer and ActivistHolly Near has put in more than 4 decades advocating and training for peace and justice through her music. With more than 27 recordings, she has spoken out on a diverse rainbow of issues and provided inspiration and fuel for millions of workers for improving our world.
cartoon of two hands holding a cone-shaped bowl and pouring rice out of it
Really, Really Free Market in Eau ClaireDan and Cassie Green, and Cassie's sister, Gina Casillas, had a great idea to help enrich and transform Eau Claire - a place where people can share their abundance, freely - their material wealth as well as their wealth of talent.