photo of a boy on his bike next to a sign that reads "Peace"
Peace Studies - Professor Ian Harris, UW-MilwaukeeIan Harris has spent 32 years as part of the faculty of the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. He started by teaching a selection of Education courses, but found his home specializing as a Peace Studies instructor. Ian has guided students through all the multiple levels and phases of Peace Studies over the last few decades, preparing his students to make a much-needed difference in the world through their active, engaged Peace Work.
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Diana Allen's Song of the Soul

Diana was "unchurched" growing up, but has found deep connection in spiritual community (with room for her wide horizons) among Unitarian Universalists. Recent years have led her to an extremely fulfilling entry into engagement with Native American wisdom, an approach called the Medicine Way.

photo of Tom Neilson
Tom Neilson's Song of the Soul - Part 3

Tom Neilson has been making folk music for a few decades now, combining his passion for music with his desire to make a positive difference in the world. His music confronts the problems of the world, but it also embraces the farm folk he grew up with, the nurture of family, and laughs at the funny things in the world.

photo of Tal Dor, Huda Abu Arqoub and Amal Nassar
Jerusalem Women Speaking tour - Jewish, Muslim, & Christian Middle Eastern tour Partners For Peace sponsors Israeli & Palestinian peace-working women to speak throughout America, to tell their first-hand stories and call all to peace & justice. Tal Dor, Huda Abu Arqoub and Amal Nassar spoke to students of North High School in Eau Claire this April.
photo of Tom Neilson
Tom Neilson's Song of the Soul - Part 2

Tom Neilson has been making folk music for a few decades now, combining his passion for music with his desire to make a positive difference in the world. His music confronts the problems of the world, but it also embraces the farm folk he grew up with, the nurture of family, and laughs at the funny things in the world.

photo of Davida
Davida Johns - "Mature" Peace Corps volunteer and ProNica - Quaker aid to NicaraguaDavida Johns is the stateside organizer of an organization called ProNica - in favor of Nicaragua, folks who reach out to some Latin American friends, providing life-enhancing assistance to a country badly treated by the US government. Davida came to this job following her experience as a Peace Corps volunteer in Belize when she was in her 50's.
photo of Tom Neilson
Tom Neilson's Song of the Soul - Part 1

Methodist born and a Quaker later in life, Tom Neilson has been making folk music for a few decades now, combining his passion for music with his desire to make a positive difference in the world. His music confronts the problems of the world, but it also embraces the farm folk he grew up with, the nurture of family, and laughs at the funny things in the world.

logo for the Christian Environmental Association
Professor Calvin DeWitt - Evangelicals and The Environment Professor Dewitt dwells comfortably, even passionately, in two worlds that many see as inconsistent. Cal is a Professor of Environmental Studies, teaching Environmental Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison as part of the Gaylord Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies. I speaks - and acts - on the Evangelicals & the Environmental, and on the spiritual journey of John Muir.
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Praying for Peace, Paying for Peace, Part Three - Principles, Legality and CommitmentPart three: A visit with 2 more War Tax Resisters - individuals whose conscientious objection to war includes not only their refusal to personally fight, but their decision to also not pay for war and the military system.
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Jim Schacht's Song of the Soul

Jim Schacht is a music lover, grew up loving and sharing music with his parents and siblings, and has been accompanying the Quakers of Milwaukee Friends Meeting on his guitar as they sing together before worship, for most of the past 20 years.