cover of their book
Ending Hunger Now - Laura Ida and DeeAnn Rambo Laura and DeeAnn caught a passion for the work because of Ending Hunger Now, a book by George McGovern, Bob Dole, and Donald Messer (Democrat, Republican, and minister - but all Methodists) as part of a Lenton study group at River Falls United Methodist Church. The work of Ending Hunger Now is endless, but Laura, DeeAnn & others bring nearly boundless energy & creativity to the work.
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Helene Pollock's Song of the Soul

Helene was a Presbyterian, graduate of Beloit College in Wisconsin, but was drawn to Quakerism because of her deep attraction to an inward devotional life. She works with students as a staff member of Haverford College, Pennsylvania, a Quaker school. Music is very important to Helene, a companion to her ceaseless internal prayer.

the Estonian Flag
Estonian Artists for Peace and UnityToo few Americans know about Estonia's amazing, non-violent, "Singing Revolution" for independence from the USSR, but it is but one of the characteristics that make the country fertile ground for Leon Miller's work with the International Association for Religious Freedom.
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Amy DeLong - Kairos CoMotionA visit with Amy DeLong, founder of Kairos CoMotion, an organization aiming to Reform, Network and Act-Up within the United Methodist Church to confront discrimination, including that against gays and lesbians.
Art Lyons
Art Lyons' SECOND Song of the Soul

Art Lyons, host of the annual event known as Bobstock (as in Bob Dylan) is back to share the music that speaks of the important steps in his journey. Raised Catholic with a serious engagement with Buddhism, and onward from there, Art is thoughtful with a deep passion for music.

photo of a demonstration in Palestine
BuildABridge - Peder Wiegner, Adam Beach, Megan TahquetteA visit with Peder, Adam & Megan in Jerusalem, on site in the Middle East to shoot a film about the Israeli occupation. They hope to provide a picture of the Palestinians to humanize them and their plight in face of the very unbalanced media picture we typically see in the USA. Peder, Adam & Megan are college Juniors and Seniors with studies in Political Science, Anthropology and Film.
arial photo of the fair
Spirit Afoot at the MREA's Energy & Sustainable Living Fair - Part 2Snapshot visits at this year's Energy fair, including Stan Gruszynski keynote, Steve Mellenthin, Mike Miles of Anathoth, music by Pine Wilson & Kevin Soucie, Community Homestead visitors, Ned Boyles workshop on Reality 101, exhibitors TS Designs, Tall Grass Bioneers, SonLight Power and Lake Michigan Wind & Sun, and part of Judith Levine's keynote on her "Not Buying It" book.
photo of Katherine Kocs
Katherine Kocs' Song of the Soul

Katherine Kocs was forced to retire prematurely from her job in social work because of a life-threatening medical condition, but not before creating Wisconsin's ground-breaking Bullying Prevention program. Raised Catholic, Katherine now finds her spirituality through activism.

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Spirit Afoot at the MREA's Energy & Sustainable Living Fair 2007 - Part 1The Midwest Renewable Energy Association Energy Fair is an amazing event, rich in speakers, workshops, vendors, music and more than 16,000 attenders. I went with an ear for the voice of the Spirit - and heard PLENTY. A collage of many folks who took part, as I roamed around the fair grounds on June 15-17, 2007.
photo of Marcus Borg
Marcus Borg, Author of Meeting Jesus Again For the First TimeMarcus Borg is a renowned author of numerous books on various aspects of Christianity and a view radically different from those who uncritically approach religion as a one-size-fits-all straight jacket. His thought and teaching require no suspension of our minds, but offer an invitation to an encounter the universal Spirit in a personal and transformative way.