Loren Cobb
Loren Cobb: Part 2 - Quaker Economist, The Decline of War

Loren Cobb has an exciting and unusual job. As Aetheling International Consultants he facilitates NationLab, a simulation game helping countries of this hemisphere experience and plan for social, economic and political developments. Loren, a Quaker pacifist and mathematical sociologist, works alongside with the military to strengthen our neighbors, and keep the peace. But that is only one of the roles that Loren lives out. One of his other hats is that of editor of The Quaker Economist which is self-proclaimed as "a free electronic journal devoted to examining worldwide economic, social, and political problems as if people matter". In a recent edition, for example, Loren wrote about some intriguing extrapolations about the trend in violence over human history.

Loren Cobb
Loren Cobb: Part 1 - Aetheling International Consultants

Loren Cobb has an exciting and unusual job. As Aetheling International Consultants he facilitates NationLab, a simulation game helping countries of this hemisphere experience and plan for social, economic and political developments. Loren, a Quaker pacifist and mathematical sociologist, works alongside with the military to strengthen our neighbors, and keep the peace.

photo of Dale Worley
Dale Worley's Song of the Soul

Dale Worley's music is fun and it's deep and it's sacred and it's rockin'. Dale is a Lay Minister & Truth Student at Unity Village, and has been playing the piano since he was 8, influenced by Jerry Lee Louis, Elton John, Bonnie Raitt, Ray Charles, Little Richard and Elvis Presley. His repertoire includes Science of Mind teachings, Native American spirituality, A Course in Miracles concepts, and 12-Step principles into Sacred Place Ministries.

Dale will be presenting his musical, prayerful, rockin' ministry at Unity Christ Center of Eau Claire, starting with a full-day retreat 9 am - 9 pm on Saturday, January 26, and, as part of Unity's worship service on Sunday, January 27, 2008, 10 am.

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Justin Leeson's Song of the Soul

Justin Leeson thinks deeply, feels passionately and lives consciously, so you can look forward to some stimulating and challenging music. Bused from his St Louis neighborhood to a primarily white school majorly affected his life, as did his experience in cosmopolitan Houston. Justin has left his Southern Baptist roots far behing and practices as a Pagan currently.

AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - Cheryl Thiede

Cheryl Thiede is the associate director of social services for the AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin, - ARCW.org or 836-7710. Raised Moravian, she is now part of Eau Claire 's Unitarian Universalist Congregation.

Music Featured:
The AIDS Song, The Stigma Song - Jony Jerusalem
Got a Lot of Livin To Do - Peter Alsop
Patchwork Quilt - Sweet Honey in the Rock

photo of Bob Franke
Bob Franke's Song of the Soul

Bob Franke has decades of experience writing songs that vividly capture the experience of the human heart and spirit, enough so that at least one of his songs made it into the Friends Hymnal that came out in 1996. His latest CD, The Other Evening In Chicago is available at the waterbug.com site.

Dr. Helen Caldicott
Dr. Helen Caldicott

Dr. Helen Caldicott spoke at the Forum Series at UW-EC on that fateful day, 9/11/2001. Her topic was "George Bush and the Threat of Nuclear War".

Physicians for Social Responsibility

Dr. Helen Caldicott is a mother, a physician, the world's leading spokesperson for the anti-nuclear movement, co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility, and the author of a number of books including Nuclear Madness, Missile Envy, and The New Nuclear Danger: George Bush's Military Industrial Complex.

Music Featured:
The Hammer Has To Fall - Charlie King

Mental Health
Wellness Shack of Eau Claire Benefit

The Wellness Shack is a consumer-run non-profit organization for adults with mental illness, working to educate the public about mental illness and to eliminate some of the misperceptions and stigma with mental illness through self-education, socialization, and accepting yourself. The October 12th, 2007 benefit featured music performed by Poppy Moelter & Troy Jackson, and poetry written by Savannah Rhae & Nora Bates.

The Wellness Shack is at 515 S Barstow St, Suite 117 in Eau Claire and their phone is 715-855-7705.

Music shared in this program is by Poppy Moelter:
Healing Days
White Pine
Water's Changing

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Ellen Bloom Ninneman's Song of the Soul

Ellen was raised in a conservative part of the Lutheran Church, and she completely embraced her childhood religion. In her 30's she found herself working through guilt and rules to find a spirituality that fit her better. Focusing on the Law of Attraction is fundamental to her spiritual world view now, and her musical preferences speak clearly of her vision.

photo of sara hickman
Sara Hickman's Song of the Soul

Sara Hickman is an artist with a passionate and activist soul. From the work that earned her an honorary degree as a music therapist to her work on behalf of Romanian orphans, whether performing in a church fund-raiser for a shelter or on the stage of Austin City Limits, Sara brings heart and deep listening to Spirit to her music.