photo of Henry Norr
Voices for Peace 2008, Part 2 - Wheels of Justice, Bruce O'Brien, Speak for PeaceVoices for Peace 2008 took place on 9/14/2008 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. This 2nd segment includes a talk by Henry Norr, an activist alongside Palestinians, speaking as part of Wheels of Justice
peace symbol logo
Voices for Peace 2008 Opening - Military Families Speak Out & Wheels of JusticeA rich event took place on 9/14/2008 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. This first segment includes the opening "Circle of Prayer", a presentation by Steve Wagener of Military Families Speak Out and a talk by Paul Melling of Wheels of Justice.
cover of Ralph Nader's book "The Good Fight"
Ralph Nader - Politics for PeopleRalph Nader and Matt Gonzolas, his running mate for President of the USA, spoke at UW-Eau Claire on September 5, 2008. His campaign is less about him than it is about finding an alternative to the corporate power that has so much control over our national life. Nader mixes dire warnings with inspirational advocacy, urging citizen involvement for a better future.
photo of Kevin Camp
Kevin Camp/Cabaretic's Song of the Soul

Kevin Camp is native to the Birmingham, Alabama area, raised somewhat Methodist, involved with Unitarian Universalists at 17, and attending Quaker meeting as of this past year. On a frustrating search for spiritual/religious depth and integrity, Kevin finds considerable inspiration and support through music, some of which he has recorded on his page.

Vote Your Values
Vote Your Values, A Spiritual Exercise

Comparing how our Federal Income Tax is spent versus how we want it to be spent can be a deep spiritual lesson. Published as a "Matter of Faith" clergy column in the Eau Claire Leader-Telegram on September 13, 2008.

oil painting of Kathy Kelly
Kathy Kelly - Voices for Creative Nonviolence Walk Chicago to the Twin CitiesKathy is currently co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Noviolence, is active with the Catholic Worker movement and since becoming a pacifist has refused payment of all federal income tax for 25 years. She went to prison for one year for planting corn on nuclear missile silo sites and has a Masters in Religious Education from Chicago Theological Seminary.
photo of Julie Rust wearing a long, sleeveless summer dress and standing in a field
Julie Rust's Song of the Soul

Julie Rust started out her life in Wisconsin, including college in Eau Claire, but she's lived out in Nashville for about 15 years now. Music has been our calling from her youth on, and the keyboard is her passionate home. Born Lutheran, she met the teachings of Meher Baba through her husband, Rusty.

photo of Alaine Duncan
Alaine Duncan - Crossings HealingWorksAlaine is an acupuncturist, a Quaker and a peaceworker who has found her "divine enough". Through Crossings Healingworks she does healing work with soldiers and their healers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and a Veterans Administration Hospital in her area.
Ann Recine
Forgiveness, Holistic Therapy and Ann Recine

Ann Recine is working for the world's healing in many ways - she is a Nurse Practitioner with a Holistic Therapy LLC (715-379-5331, 515 S Barstow, Eau Claire), specializing in forgiveness and mindfulness meditation. She is a Third Order Franciscan, and she is also an organizer in the Voices for Peace Institute.

Music Featured:
Forgiveness - Dennis Warner
He's Forgiven You - Carol Johnson
For Real - Bob Franke

UW-Madison Logo
Medical Students Putting It On The Line

Recipients of the 2008 McGovern-Tracy Scholarships "exemplify the values of community service and leadership", and we visit with 5 of the med students recognized this year: Callie O'Neil, Michelle Buelow, Betsy Doherty, Joseph Hansen and Kevin Thao - great examples of the promise of the the upcoming generation of doctors.