photo of Josh Polich
Josh Polich's 2nd Song of the Soul

Josh Polich is back to share more of the music that speaks of his journey from Lutheran to Eastern religion, including Kirtan (Hindu chant), meditation and more. He currently hosts weekly Kirtan at the Yoga Center of Eau Claire, produces podcasts and lives a life of Spirit.

cover of book titled "Praying Like Jesus"
James Mulholland - Praying Like JesusJames Mulholland is an author and Quaker pastor who's religious path has spanned tremendously, including fundamentalist Christian to United Methodist to Quakerism. He fearlessly faces the big questions and shares the fruits of his learning through his writing.
photo of John and Jan Haigis standing outside by a split-rail fence on a sunny day, wearing pioneer costumes
John Haigis' Song of the Soul

John Haigis and his wife, Jan, make exceptionally diverse music, music that is silly, serious, spiritual and much more. Out of dulcimer and voice they weave simple and way-faring music, from Groundhog Day carols to an upbeat version of the Lord's Prayer.

Wisconsin Democracy Campaign - Mike McCabeMike McCabe works with Wisconsin Democracy Campaign to ensure that people are better represented than money. They track campaign contributions to all statewide offices, by amount and source, and help to insure that the law protects our democracy from monied interests.
photo of Todd Werner in concert, singing and playing the guitar
Todd Werner's Song of the Soul

Todd Werner is a singer/songwriter from Wausau, Wisconsin with a deep spiritual bent and practical skills in nurturing peace through his work with Peaceful Solutions Counseling. Raised Catholic, gravitating to the kind of Spirit present in Unity Churches, Todd remains a seeker and singer.

photo of Greg
Greg Gilbertson's Song of the Soul

Few of my Song of the Soul guest share all instrumental pieces, but Greg Gibertson has a special gift of speaking poetry through his guitar, without words. A finger style guitarist and vivid composer, power and Light shine through his music and, in this interview, through his words.

photo of young woman they helped
Hagar International - Healing Abuse and Trafficking in CambodiaA visit with Jane Tafel, Executive Director of the USA branch of Hagar International, a Swiss-based Christian development organization founded in 1994 to help Cambodia's abused women & children, including their empowerment through the Social Enterprise Model.
Free From Hell

Could the God of Love create a system which condemns the majority of humanity to Hell? Universalism, i.e., the belief in Universal Salvation, says no, and I agree.

photo of Bryan
Bryan Sirchio's Song of the Soul

Singer/songwriter Bryan Sirchio is an ordained minister of the United Church of Christ, and his passions include his frequent trips to and service in Haiti - and, of course, his music. He’s been my guest for Spirit In Action, highlighting some of the many songs he’s written on Peace and Justice themes, but today he’s just back from Haiti to share his spiritual journey through his Song of the Soul.

cover of book entitled "Harmony"
Harmony and The Front Porch - Philip GulleyWe welcome back Philip Gulley, author of 14 books, to discuss his Front Porch, Harmony, and other series. Even while writing with a tongue-in-cheek style reminiscent of Garrison Keillor, Phil Gulley tackles deep spiritual issues and real frustrations in a way that can help lighten and enlighten folks across the spectrum.