cover of cd for Brian Bethke
Brian Bethke's Song of the Soul

Brian Bethke emerged from 8 years of illness by capturing the vivid stories of his life in song. On his own since the age of 15, his folk/Americana/country style music conveys a powerful journey with powerful, heartfelt music.

photo of Byrdie and Mark at work
Alums Serving the World - Brydie Hill & Mark Lassman-Eul Through Habitat for Humanity and Project Kenya Charity, 2 Carroll University alums care for the people of the world, both with a special connection to Kenya and both with deep religious motivation.
Building Bridges Anti-racism TrainingWe visit with 3 people connected with the Building Bridges anti-racism training sponsored by the Lutheran Human Relations Association. Marilyn Miller is Executive Director and Kenneth Wheeler is President of the Board of the LHRA, both persons of color, and Geri Murtaugh is a past participant of the Building Bridges training and is the Coordinator of Youth and Family Ministries for the Greater Milwaukee Synod of the ELCA.
Joe Elder
Messenger for PeaceJoe Elder received on October 3rd, 2009, a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Wisconsin Network for Peace & Justice. Joe has traveled the world with quiet off-the-record messages and worked for peace from Vietnam to Sri Lanka. A University of Wisconsin professor of sociology and Asian studies, he has inspired thousands of students to broaden their horizons. Raised in Iran, son of Presbyterian missionaries, he was a CO in the Korean War and has been a Quaker since the 1950's.
photo of Ed Feeny
Ed Feeny's Song of the Soul

Ed Feeny performs with 3 bands, Reptile Palace Orchestra, The Motor Primitives and Veseliyka which reflects, in part, his diverse appetite for music, in terms of both genre and country.

WNPJ Awards - Esther Heffernan & Prison Reform

The Wisconsin Network for Peace & Justice will be presenting its Lifetime Achievement award on October 3, 2009. One awardee, Esther Heffernan, is a Dominican nun and Sociology prof at Edgewood College, with a lifetime concern for prison reform. Steve Burns, program coordinator for WNPJ also joins us.

photo of Greg Herriges
Greg Herriges' Song of the Soul

Greg Herriges (& Telluric Currents) is music that tastes of the vastness of the world and the universe. It is spirituality, most often without words, that is World Music and Minnesota music. It's a treat!

Sara Thomsen
The Freedom Song of Sara Thomsen

Sara Thomsen is strongly called to heal the world through her music. One of her songs, "Is It For Freedom", has been heard repeatedly on Democracy Now, because of its poignant call for our nation's self-examination following 9-11. Her concerns are wide - women, LGBT issues, care for creation, peace and more - and she writes and sings with soul-deep sensitivity.

All the songs in this program are performed by Sara Thomsen

Peace in the Precincts poster
Mindful Methodist And Friend of Non-violenceMatt Hunter has been serving as Executive Director of FNVW- Friends for a Non-violent World for 2 1/2 years. Matt is Methodist and was dramatically turned to a belief in Jesus' nonviolent message in seminary. He's worked in South Africa around apartheid and HIV-AIDS, and worked with the homeless in Florida before coming to the Twin Cities.
photo of Aaron Fowler
Aaron Fowler's Song of the Soul

Aaron Fowler is a songwriter/musician from Wichita, Kansas whose calling for the past 2 decades has involved living and working in the inner city and founding an organization called Hope Street Students United. Aaron's music has included plenty of music with kids, educationally and as entertainment.