cover of book "Held in the Light"
Norman Morrison's Self-immolation - Anne Morrison WelshAnne Morrison Welsh was left with 3 kids when Norman Morrison self-immolated in protest of the Vietnam War on 11/2/1965. Anne has written "Held in the Light: Norman Morrison's Sacrifice for Peace and His Family's Journey of Healing" about her experience. It has included continued peace work, a visit to Vietnam, and continued growth and insight.
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Injustice in Latin America And In The ChurchFr. Roy Bourgeois become a Catholic priest after witnessing the error of the Vietnam War, and founded SOAWatch after seeing the damage the School of the Americas caused in Bolivia.
photo of Andrew Harvey
Sacred Activism - Andrew HarveyAndrew Harvey's latest book is The Hope and it speaks of the need to connect deep spiritual roots to an outward life of witness and action. His call for Sacred Activism draws on his powerful experiences in Buddhist, Hindu, Sufi and Christian spirituality.
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Body, Mind, Spirit (Moving) - The Oct 30-31 Conference at UW-StoutThe 13th Body, Mind, Spirit conference and preconference is a rich platter of inner and outer healing for the world. Bob Salt helped found the event and has his own powerful acedemic and spiritual resources to share. Selene Vega will be co-presenting at the preconference on "Inner Ethics: Examining Countertransference with Compassion" with Kylea Taylor, and shares from her rich and varied spiritual and psychological resources
cover of cd for Brian Bethke
Brian Bethke's Song of the Soul

Brian Bethke emerged from 8 years of illness by capturing the vivid stories of his life in song. On his own since the age of 15, his folk/Americana/country style music conveys a powerful journey with powerful, heartfelt music.

photo of Byrdie and Mark at work
Alums Serving the World - Brydie Hill & Mark Lassman-Eul Through Habitat for Humanity and Project Kenya Charity, 2 Carroll University alums care for the people of the world, both with a special connection to Kenya and both with deep religious motivation.
Building Bridges Anti-racism TrainingWe visit with 3 people connected with the Building Bridges anti-racism training sponsored by the Lutheran Human Relations Association. Marilyn Miller is Executive Director and Kenneth Wheeler is President of the Board of the LHRA, both persons of color, and Geri Murtaugh is a past participant of the Building Bridges training and is the Coordinator of Youth and Family Ministries for the Greater Milwaukee Synod of the ELCA.
Joe Elder
Messenger for PeaceJoe Elder received on October 3rd, 2009, a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Wisconsin Network for Peace & Justice. Joe has traveled the world with quiet off-the-record messages and worked for peace from Vietnam to Sri Lanka. A University of Wisconsin professor of sociology and Asian studies, he has inspired thousands of students to broaden their horizons. Raised in Iran, son of Presbyterian missionaries, he was a CO in the Korean War and has been a Quaker since the 1950's.
photo of Ed Feeny
Ed Feeny's Song of the Soul

Ed Feeny performs with 3 bands, Reptile Palace Orchestra, The Motor Primitives and Veseliyka which reflects, in part, his diverse appetite for music, in terms of both genre and country.

WNPJ Awards - Esther Heffernan & Prison Reform

The Wisconsin Network for Peace & Justice will be presenting its Lifetime Achievement award on October 3, 2009. One awardee, Esther Heffernan, is a Dominican nun and Sociology prof at Edgewood College, with a lifetime concern for prison reform. Steve Burns, program coordinator for WNPJ also joins us.