Ken Stone
Eco-Justice, Queer Commentary & the Hebrew Bible

Dr. Ken Stone of Chicago Theological Seminary leads workshops on Eco-Justice & The Hebrew Bible and he's written and edited several books including Practicing Safer Texts: Food, Sex and Bible in Queer Perspective. His analysis is spiritual fuel for lives of justice.


Michelle Lynn
Desert Flood - Michelle Lynn's Song of the Soul

Michelle Lynn, at 23, has already made 3 CD's, Jump Roping in Chains, Hospital Radio and Pre-echos for the Postmodern, experiencing her own spiritual emergence in the process. She now lives in Decorah, Iowa.

Defend the RNC * poster
The RNC 8 - Anarchism And Reprisals for Welcoming the Republicans to St PaulGarrett Fitzgerald is one of the anarchist & anti-authoritarian RNC 8, on trial for activities leading up to protests in the Twin Cities of Minnesota during the 2008 Republican National Convention. John Bachman was a legal observer at the demonstrations and is 1 of the 11 lawyers for the defense of the RNC 8.
Peggy Seeger
Love Call Me Home - Peggy Seeger's Song of the Soul

Peggy Seeger has a wealth of recordings from the 50+ years she's been performing, on her own, with her husband, Ewan MacColl, with her brothers, Mike & Pete Seeger, and other folks. Traditional folk music is where she started from and she has enriched them with her own songs on feminist, peace and other themes.

photo of Andy Murray
Andy Murray Teaching PeaceAndy Murray was a founder of the Baker Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies of Juniata College in Pennsylvania. He's also ordained in the Church of the Brethren and he’s a singer/songwriter. He'll likely change your conceptions of what Peace Studies is and what best supports such work.
Brahman Shaman/Matt Olson
Brahman Shaman/Matt Olson's Song of the Soul

Brahman Shaman is Matt Olson and Brahman Shaman is what he's about. Raised Catholic, drawn to the spirituality of the East, led to connect with real-Earth living, Matt searches for answered to his questions through his music.

Melanie Snyder
Grace Goes To Prison

Melanie G. Snyder is author of Grace Goes To Prison which tells the story of Grace Marie Hamilton's growing and deepening work in Pennsylvania prisons, covering a wide variety of initiatives and programs aimed at reforming, improving and humanizing the lives of prisoners. Melanie also interacts with the legal system in her work as a restorative justice mediator. The full name of the book is Grace Goes to Prison: An Inspiring Story of Hope and Humanity and Melanie is currently traveling around the country speaking about both the book and the US prison system.

image of the book cover
Quetico And Awakening - Two Books Opening WiderA brief visit with Michael L. Robins, author of Awakening: 13 Steps to Love, Freedom, and Power, entered in the Next Top Spiritual Author Contest, and with Jon Nelson, author of Quetico: Near to Nature's Heart about Quetico Provincial Park.
Mike Hamer
Rolling Wheelchair Blues - Mike Hamer's Song of the Soul

Mike Hamer is a singer/songwriter from Greenville, North Carolina, who performs a rich variety of music, often as part of Mike Hamer and the Rhinoceroses with the Angelic Choir. Until an accident left him a quadriplegic, Mike had played guitar and bass, but found that the hammer dulcimer worked for him afterwards. He's an inspired and inspirational musician and songwriter.

Mike died December, 2017.

flag of Honduras
Honduran Witness and US CO's - Father Melo plus Center on Conscience and WarFather Ismael (Melo) Moreno, Jesuit priest & director of Radio Progreso, brings news of Honduras since the coup and Atty JE McNeil talks about CO's like Dr. Timothy Watson, the Military and the Center on Conscience & War.