Tony Schultz
SPROUTS: Solidarity Farmer Tony Schultz
Half-hour SPROUTS version of my visit with Tony Schultz of Stoney Acres Farm CSA, who was a fiery speaker at the 3/12/11 Farmer/Union Demonstration in Madison, WI. He's active with the Land Stewardship Project and Family Farm Defenders. 
Music Featured:
Solidarity Forever - Pete Seeger


Andy Juhl
River Light - Andy Juhl's Song of the Soul

Andy Juhl is a young, quiet, Quaker farmer in rural Northwest Iowa with a passion for peace, love and music. With his twin brother on drums, his wife on French horn, and various friends and musicians to accompany him, you'll find a lot of music with meaning.

Abdisalam Adam
Somalian Ways of Peace

Abdisalam Adam, born in Somalia, came to the USA in 1991. He's the director of the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Civic Center in Minneapolis, MN and works as a Somali Cultural Specialist for St. Paul Public Schools. He'll be one of the featured speakers for Ways of Peace II: Non-violence in the Islamic Tradition on 4/9/11.

Music Featured:
Immigrant - John McCutcheon
Codkii - Farxiya Fiska

photo of demonstration Tony attended
Farmer & Union SolidarityTony Schultz of Stoney Acres Farm CSA was a fiery speaker at the 3/12/11 Farmer/Union Demonstration in Madison, WI. He's active with the Land Stewardship Project and Family Farm Defenders.
Joe Reilly
Tree Meditation - Joe Reilly's Song of the Soul

Joe Reilly is a singer, a songwriter, an environmental educator, and a man on a spiritual quest. His spirit journey has taken him from Catholic to Native American to Buddhist and back to Catholic, all the while deeply connected to the Earth.

NOTE: Photo of Joe Reilly by Mary Kerney

The Rustic Riders
The Rustic Riders - Lisa Meissner's Song of the Soul

Lisa Meissner performs with The Rustic Riders with a definite spiritual/religious element, fueled by personal & cultural struggles and a with a healing vision of the possibilities.

photo of Si Kahn in concert
In Union We Are Strong - Si Kahn

Si Kahn is a powerful singer/songwriter - and an historian, capturing the actions and lives of those who are working for a better world. With over 40 years fighting and singing for civil rights, worker's rights, he speaks with experience and authority. His newest book is Creative Community Organizing: A Guide for Rabble-Rousers, Activists & Quiet Lovers of Justice and his latest CD is Courage. Si comes from strong Jewish roots.

All the songs in this program are performed by Si Kahn:

Clarence Kailin from Courage
Custodian from Courage
Washington Square from Courage
We Are Strong from Some Sweet Day
My Old Times from Some Sweet Day

Eileen McGann
All Shall Be Well - Eileen McGann's Song of the Soul

Eileen McGann is a Canadian singer/songwriter who combines a stunning voice, deep passion for the natural world, wide-ranging education and thoughts with a rich Irish/Celtic upbringing to make top notch music of the Spirit.

photo of Shairon Beale
Certifiably Organic - Shairon Beale

Shairon Beale is an organic lifestyle advocate, an LEED Platinum Home Builder Designer, former host of the Certifiably Organic radio program and current co-host of Making A Splash on PLUS, she's a racecar driver, Republican and a complete delight!

Peter Mayer
Heaven Below - Peter Mayer's Song of the Soul

Peter Mayer is a Minnesotan singer/songwriter - but also a storyteller, dreamweaver and earth-based theologian, mixing science, spirituality & wonder. Raised Catholic, having spent important years in a Jesuit seminary and as a Catholic music leader, he now travels spiritually with Unitarian-Universalists.