Santwana Dasgupta
On the Ground in Afghanistan - Santwana Dasgupta

Santwana Dasgupta is Director of the Partnership for the Education of Children in Afghanistan (P.E.C.A) for the past 2 years, working from Kabul. The path to Afghanistan grew from her youth in India, the events of 9-11 and from her work with Friends for a Non-violent World (FNVW).

Music Featured:
Come to School Afghani girls - Atai Sheery

Sami Rasouli
Update from Iraq: Sami Rasouli Back in the USA

Sami Rasouli returned to Iraq after more than 20 years in the USA to rebuild the country and found the Muslim Peacemaker Teams. Combining love of his birthplace in Iraq with love of his home in the Midwest, Sami lets us see the people of both places as "us".

Music Featured:
Shekhani - Chaldean Folk Dance from Iraq

photo of Steve Deasy
Steve Deasy's Song of the Soul

Steve Deasy has a wealth of musical experience, both instrumental & vocal, but only began writing songs relatively recently. He got some top honors at the Kerrville Folk Festival this year. His latest release is the fruit of a deepening spiritual engagement with Quakerism and issues of peace & justice.

Niyonu Spann
Beyond Diversity 101Niyonu Spann began leading Beyond Diversity 101 workshops after about 10 years as a diversity workshop facilitator. In this new approach, Niyonu uses mixed modes, song, movement, body work, etc, to move in new directions of growth following knowledge of racism from all sides. Among other things, Niyonu makes music with Tribe1.

Music Featured:
I Wish I Knew How/Wade In The Water - Niyonu Spann & FGC Workshop
I Ain't Movin' - Des'ree
Ain't You Got a Right to the Tree of Life - Bill Harley


George Lakey
Training for Change - George Lakey

George Lakey was a founder of A Quaker Action Group, Movement for a New Society and recently left Training for Change to do more direct action with Earth Quaker Action Team. With the experience & stories of 50 years of peace, justice and environmental activism, George is a treasure trove of inspiration.

Tom Goss
Tom Goss' Song of the Soul

Tom Goss is a big-hearted singer/songwriter from Washington D.C. Motivated by his passion for social justice issues, Tom spent 6 months in seminary to become a Catholic priest before deciding it wasn't right for him. Tom writes and sings frequently of love and its rightness, regardless of laws. Tom and his partner will be married in October in D.C., one of the areas that provides for gay marriage.

Ari Herstand
Ari Herstand's Song of the Soul

Ari Herstand is a Midwestern singer/songwriter, soon to be in LA. Much of his studio work is mellow, painting images from an inner palette and, raised as a cultural & religious Jew, Ari provides a new and valuable perspective for many listeners.

image of a mural from the cover of her book
Awakening Universe, Emerging PersonhoodMary Conrow Coelho's book, Awakening Universe, Emerging Personhood. The Power of Contemplation in a Evolving Universe, draws on her teaching & research in biology, Masters of Divinity, and PhD in Historical Theology to explore and flesh in "The New Story" of our place in an evolving universe.
photo of Tom Allen playing guitar in front of what appears to be a pile of wooden crates.
Tom Allen's Song of the Soul

Tom Allen is very involved in Transcendental Mediation, Men's work, and working for world peace, especially on the spiritual plane. He's a talented guitarist of many styles - classical, jazz and much more. In addition he has a long history with Christian praise bands, A COURSE IN MIRACLES, and other contemporary expressions of Christ's energy.

William Penn's Legacy
Spirited Government - Sweden & Pennsylvania's Holy Experiment

Our two guests consider whether government can do Spirit work on Earth. Jason Penn Browne, author of William Penn's Legacy, writes about the many ways that Penn's Holy Experiment influenced the development of the USA. Julia Ryberg has lived in Sweden for 30+ years, experiencing a progressive system based on the entwining of church & state.