Babette Grunow
Standing As Witness In Honduras

Babette Grunow is headed to spend a week in Honduras, standing as an international witness to prevent violence. She's been active in Latin America for decades, in the USA and on the ground there. Introduced to Latin America by her Franciscan uncle, Babette has a passion for justice & freedom for our neighbors.

Death & Taxes - Karen Brandow
Death and Taxes - Karen Brandow Karen Brandow is a political activist whose association with Charlie King has led her to use music as one of her tools for change. 2 issues at the forefront for Karen are War Taxes & The Death Penalty. Karen spent 8 years in Central America, doing accompaniment & other work, was raised in a culturally Jewish household, is trained as a spiritual director.
Terry Leonino
There At Kent State - Terry (Magpie) Leonino's Song of the Soul

Terry Leonino & Greg Artzner are Magpie with 37 years of singing songs of peace, civil rights & connection with the planet. Terry was a freshman at Kent State on May 4, 1970 when 4 of her fellow students were shot down, so she has a long history in the thick of powerful events.

Philosophy of War and Nonviolence - Robert Holmes
Philosophy of War and Nonviolence - Robert Holmes

Dr Robert Holmes is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Rochester in NY, with a specialty in peace and nonviolence who has taught, written and spoken extensively on related topics.

His publications include articles like "Pacifism and Weapons of Mass Destruction" and "St. Augustine and the Just War Theory" and he's written several texts including Basic Moral Philosophy and Nonviolence in Theory and Practice. Most notable for our listeners of his books might be On War and Morality.

Peter Alsop
Changing the World With a Guitar

Peter Alsop is a singer/songwriter/worldchanger whose songs can be deep and moving, but frequently use humor to invite us to look at something new and life-altering. Violence, Food, Risk-taking, Societal Privilege and many more issues are in his non-violent sights!

All the songs in this program are performed by Peter Alsop
"The Guitar" from Disciples of PerFection
"I'm Lucky" from Disciples of PerFection
"If Jesus Had a Gun" from Disciples of PerFection
"Stick My Neck Out" from Grow It At Home
"Pick One" from Disciples of PerFection

photo of Scott doing yoga
Alignment YogaScott Anderson is the founder of Alignment Yoga and Spectrum Yoga Therapy. His new book is Alignment Yoga - An Intelligent Approach to Ancient Wisdom. He's an insightful innovator and talented teacher, adapting traditional practices to the Western way of life.
Marge Eiseman
Trafficking with Cynics - Marge Eiseman's Song of the Soul is the web home of Jewish singer/songwriter Marge Eiseman. Marge leads workshops and programs on Storahtelling, Comfort Shawls, Hip Spirituality and many other topics.

Not a Disciple of Perfection - Peter Alsop's Song of the Soul

Peter Alsop combines his skill as a folk musician with his profession of educational psychologist, along with an awesome sense of humor to produce musical gems.

Anne Feeney Poster
Been to Jail for Justice - Anne Feeney

Anne Feeney is a rabble rouser activist whose music is zeroed in on exposing the failings and promoting the positive possibilities for our world. She's a modern union maid and hellraiser, working for the people and against war, injustice, corporate greed and much more.

All the songs in this program are performed by Anne Feeney
Have you Been To Jail For Justice
Rebuild America - Keep Hope Alive
National Health Care Now
I'm Gonna Be an Engineer
Defenders of Marriage
Corporate Welfare
War on the Workers

Theatre for Transformation
Theatre for Transformation - Black History on Stage

Theatre for Transformation is drama designed to open eyes and instigate change. With a cast that is mostly black, their productions often touch on the history and present of USA's racism, seeking to reclaim history so it can be dealt with and its consequences resolved.