Bringing Water And Oneness to Tanzania - It Can Be Done Africa

photo of Barbara Joye

Barbara Joye is co-founder of It Can Be Done, a project to address the Tanzanian crisis brought on by climate change. Working with the Uru people at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, It Can Be Done has helped create a miracle well and is working to free women & children to worthy work.

On Sunday, Sept 11, 2011, travelers from Tanzania will visit Eau Claire, WI, to speak about the work of It Can Be Done - see the web site for their scheduled activities in September.

Barbara Joye is co-founder of It Can Be Done and founder & visionary of Acorn Invocations. She is a wisdom teacher, energetic healer and spiritual mentor, facilitating individual sessions, group workshops and Soulscapes Music & Breathwork retreats for spiritual integration of everyday life.

Sandy McKinney is pastor of Unity Christ Center in Eau Claire, WI.

First Air Date

Bringing Water & Oneness to Tanzania - It Can Be Done Africa

Audio file

what kinds of events she does
How people can be involved in the project
how she got involved
mt kilimanjaro
how it is a secular project
how it caused her to simplify her life.

Broadcast Date(s)


Barbara Joye


An invitation to join us for any/all of the events during the time Alphonse & Eva Ngowi our guests from Tanzania will be with us in Eau Claire. Learn how a town who's meaning is "Clear Water" (Eau Claire)is making a difference for folks in a village in Africa. Sun 9/11/11 10am Unity Christ Center Sunday Service Special Music: The Night Crawlers & the Unity Choir 11am Potluck 12:30-2:30pm Community Global Circle w/Barbara Joye & Bishop James Zinzow 4-5pm "Witness for Social Justice" Unitarian Universalist, Farwell & Lake St parking lot 6-7pm Sunday Evening Worship at Unity w/Sharon Falter 7:30-9pm Ecstatic Dance led by Jean Kowalski. Offering to ICBD Africa . Mon 9/12/11 7pm Coffee/Cookies/Conversation at Hope United Methodist Church on Golf Rd

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