photo of Azhar Usman
Nonviolence in the Islamic Traditon Keynote

This is Azhar Usman's keynote address of the 2011 Ways of Peace II Conference on Nonviolence in the Islamic Tradition, sponsored by Friends for a Non-Violent World. Azhar is a comedian, lawyer, activist and writer.

Linda Stout
Collective Visioning & Bridging the Class Divide

Linda Stout is the activist/author of Collective Visioning: How Groups Can Work Together for a Just and Sustainable Future and founder of Spirit In Action, a non-profit organization that catalyzes broad-based movement building to support deep and lasting social change.

Mighty Nonviolent Peaceforce - Mel Duncan
Mighty Nonviolent Peaceforce - Mel Duncan

Mel Duncan is a founder and force behind Nonviolent Peaceforce, an important evolution in the work of unarmed, well-trained, civilian peacekeepers. With active programs in Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Sudan and engaging soon in South Caucasus, Nonviolent Peaceforce has drawn widespread recognition and support, including funding from UNICEF, an upcoming training at the UN, and invitations from heads of state.

It's a carefully planned and well executed effort to transform the way peacekeeping is done, with promising results. Mel Duncan is living up to the challenge he received from a Sufi in 1997 - "your job is to enter the heart of your enemy".

Jonathan Byrd
Man from Cackalack - Jonathan Byrd's Song of the Soul

Jonathan Byrd hails from North Carolina, AKA North Cackalacki, and his music has home and depth and hurt and celebration. He doesn't shy from the facts but he's skillful with an image or metaphor as well, bringing listeners the best of both sides of experience.

Cris Williamson
A Voice for Women - Cris Williamson's Song of the Soul

Cris Williamson has played an important role as one of the prominent voices of feminism and lesbians, including her part in founding the first women's record label. With more than 20 CDs, Cris has been prolific and fertile for many hearts. And, of course, her song has been our theme music since day 1.

Cris Williamson
SPROUTS: A Voice for Women - Cris Williamson's Song of the Soul

29 minute version - Cris Williamson has played an important role as one of the prominent voices of feminism and lesbians, including her part in founding the first women's record label. With more than 20 CDs, Cris has been prolific and fertile for many hearts. And, of course, her song has been our theme music since day 1.

All the songs in this program are performed by Cris Williamson:

Danny Schmidt
A Stained Glass Serpentine Cycle of Money - Danny Schmidt's Song of the Soul

Danny Schmidt is one of many talented artists with the Americana Agency. Danny is profound and down-home, and he has an amazing gift for stunning lyrics, with influences like Bob Dylan & Leonard Cohen - and many others. Raised Jewish, his current spiritual outlook is not bound to any church or organization.

Afra Jalabi
Islamic Ways of Peace - Afra Jalabi

Afra Jalabi was one of the speakers at Ways of Peace II: Non-violence in the Islamic Tradition. With degrees in anthropology, political science and journalism, and passion for nonviolence, early Islamic history, Quranic exegesis and feminist theory, she's an insightful mind and powerful, compassionate speaker.

This program includes Afra Jalabi's presentation as part of a panel on Theology, Philosophy and History of Non-Violence in Islam and a follow-up phone interview.

Eileen McGann
Too Stupid for Democracy?

Part 2 of a visit with singer/songwriter/activist Eileen McGann weaves powerful themes of healing the world through much of her music, embedded in a spiritual depth and consciousness. Care for the Earth & all its creatures, war, democracy, economic fairness and equality are just some of the concerns that Eileen sings compellingly about.

All the songs in this program are performed by Eileen McGann:

Too Stupid For Democracy from Journeys    
Medusa from Beyond the Storm    
Evening News from Pocketful of Rhymes    
Here’s To The Men from Elements

Earth Day Collage - Artists for the Earth
Earth Day Collage - Artists for the Earth

A collage of interview & music from the past year's Song of the Soul guests with particular connection to the Earth. Featuring Gina Citoli, Magpie, Peter Mayer, Joe Reilly, and Walkin' Jim Stoltz.