photo of Reggie in concert
Bridge-builder Reggie Harris (BROADCAST) - Music to Heal and Make Changes

Reggie Harris has been creating great change-making & bridge-building music for decades, spanning barriers of race, religion, politics and other forms of identity and division.

Ali Joussefi
Todos Juntos - Ali Youssefi's Song of the Soul

Ali Youssefi produces music that is ethereal, flowing, moving, and profoundly spiritual. Raised in Chile by Baha'i parents, his father from Iran, and currently living in Haifa, Israel, Ali shares engaging and heart-opening testimony through his music.

Jon Watts
The Burden of Vision Part Two - Jon Watts' Song of the Soul

We continue as Jon Watts digs deep with talk about nakedness, righteousness, our global body, and more, in his distinctive, quirky, style: Spirited music-enhanced spoken word poetry. Come on!

Judith Myers-Walls
Purple Peace Wagon - War and Peace Talk Between Parents and Kids - Judith Myers-Walls

Purple Wagon is the site of Perdue Professor Emerita of Child Development & Family Studies, Judith Myers-Walls. In 1989 she began research and applications around parent/child communication about war & peace, a passion that comes out of her background with the Church of the Brethren, one of the traditional peace churches

Karen Street
Nuclear Sanity? Investigating Nuclear Power

Karen Street had a jarring experience in 1995 - she found that her prejudices and beliefs opposing nuclear power were ill-founded, and that the alternatives were doing much greater damage to people, other animals & the Earth. Carefully researched and examined, Karen provides a compelling, compassionate case for using nuclear power.

Karen's most recent articles in Friends Journal can be found in the Nuclear Power in a Warming World section of her blog, .

She is associated with
Friends Energy Project

Jon Watts
Naked! Part One - Jon Watts' Song of the Soul

Jon Watts digs deep with talk about nakedness, righteousness, our global body, and more, in his distinctive, quirky, style: Spirited music-enhanced spoken word poetry. Come on!

Devaa Haley
Sacred Alchemy - Devaa Haley's Song of the Soul

Devaa Haley evokes the many faces of the Divine Feminine on her new release, Sacred Alchemy. As an Interfaith Minister through The Chaplaincy Institute for Arts & Interfaith Ministries, with her degree in Anthropology from Stanford, in her post as Chief Transformation Officer for The Shift Network and in her work awakening women with Soulful Women Retreats or the Soulful Women Certificate Program, she sings powerfully and goes deep.

photo of book cover
Peace-Work Quilt - Supporting CO's And ConscienceJ.E. McNeil's new book, Peace-Work Quilt, draws on the many stories & experiences from the 12 years she has served as Executive Director of the Center on Conscience & War. The stories are vivid and the thoughts and analysis penetrating - and the spirit is deep.
Equality Wisconsin
Welcoming LGBT and the Other - Equality Wisconsin Voices of Faith Project

Lizzi Dahlk, Voices of Faith Coordinator of Equality Wisconsin, works to unite people of faith in making Wisconsin a more welcoming & just place for LGBT folks and all folks who get treated as "Other". Today she's joined by David Huber of Plymouth UCC and Scott Miller of First Lutheran Church, both in Eau Claire.

Music Featured:
You Don't Question Love - Tom Goss

Friendly FolkDancers Cuba
Dancing Peace in Cuba & Around the World

The Friendly Folk Dancers have been "Dancing the World Together" through international folk dance since 1986, and they toured in Cuba in 2010, Rwanda in 2008, Kenya in 1996, and many other place in other years. With a ministry of peace and connection, they've prayed with their full bodies and learned with each step. This program was recorded in Cuba in November 2010.