Mathematician Mystic - Michelle Lynn's 2nd Song of the Soul

Michelle Lynn packs more profundity per square inch of her 25 years on this planet than anyone I've every met. With a musical voyage which is an exploration of the mind, body and spirit, Michelle goes deep and universal.

Listening Below the Noise: The Transformative Power of Silence - Anne LeClaire
Listening Below the Noise: The Transformative Power of Silence - Anne LeClaire

Anne LeClaire is an author whose 20 years of twice-monthly days of silence taught her the potential for rest, healing and growth of the practice. She shares the lessons of the experiment-turned-way-of-life in Listening Below the Noise". She leads workshops and retreats on silence, creativity and authenticity, like the program she'll lead on March 23-24 at the Franciscan Spirituality Center in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Music included in this program:
Sounds of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel
In the Silence - Eileen McGann

Faithful in Dubai - ZEFFeREEN's Song of the Soul

ZEFFeREEN is a singer/songwriter, originally from India, living in Dubai for the past 16 years. His website proclaims, "Oh! To fill the eyes of orphans with hope... To bring joy to the widow's heart... To steady the hand of the weak... That is why i create music... That is why music was created. Music transforms lives." That's what ZEFFeREEN is about.

Seeing Stars - Meg Hutchinson's Song of the Soul

Meg Hutchinson is a singer/songwriter whose music is vibrant, deep, poetry, exploring inner spaces while she travels wide open spaces. Raised by non-conforming hippies, her spiritual path has led her to Tibetan Buddhism.

Healing Burns at a Distance - Fire Burn Doctor
Healing Burns at a Distance - Fire Burn Doctor

Fireburn Doctor provides a simple, free, miraculous, service - healing of your burns with a single phone call. It sounds absolutely unbelievable, but what are we to believe when the evidence is there? We visit with Alison McDermott of the Fireburn Doctor team & 3 who've experienced it - former Judge Charles Barnhardt, actress Mary Badham, Vitaly Korobov of the US Patent & Trademark office. Plus, in Excerpts, a 3-time user, 1998 Mr. Ohio bodybuilder, Greg Trail.

Simple Living - Fred Small's Song of the Soul

Fred Small animates stories through his songs, with a heart and a spirit of gold. He weaves a world-wide family with his songs of healing and hope. Fred started out as a lawyer in the environmental field, became a folksinger/activist, and is currently as a minister at First Parish Cambridge Unitarian Universalist. You can purchase his CD's at and

Apocalypse? NOT!!! - Grand Archdruid John Michael Greer Part 2
Apocalypse? NOT!!! - Grand Archdruid John Michael Greer, Part 2

John Michael Greer is author of 27 books on topics like peak oil, nature-based economics, and druidry - because he is Grand Archdruid of the Ancient Order of Druids in America. One of his latest books is Apocalypse NOT: Everything You Know About 2012, Nostradamus and the Rapture is Wrong.

Music included in this program:
Old Time Religion - Tom Rawson
Magic in the Moon - Chris Pfeiffer

Peak Oil & Druidry - John Michael Greer, Part 1
Peak Oil & Druidry - John Michael Greer, Part 1

John Michael Greer is a prolific author writing on diverse topics like peak oil, nature-based economics and, of course, druidry, because he is the Grand Archdruid of the Ancient Order of Druids in America. His knowledge is vast and his presentation makes even complex topics understandable and compelling. His books include The Ecotechnic Future: Envisioning a Post-Peak World and The Wealth of Nature: Economics as if survival Matter.

Music included in this program:
Circle of Stone - Magpie
Forgetting Home (Unwelcomed Prophecy of Global Warming) - Joachim Eriksson

More Light - Christopher Grundy's Song of the Soul

Christopher Grundy is a UCC minister and teaches at Eden Theological Seminary in St Louis and he's one of the founders of a group called the Progressive Christian Artists Network. His songs are filled with vivid images and diverse subjects, including even one ghost story!

Choose the Sky - Blue O'Connell's Song of the Soul

Blue O'Connell uses her music to heal with her training in Therapeutic Music and as a Certified Music Practitioner, this in addition to her stagework and other singing/songwriting. Perhaps the most astonding fact - for roughly half her life she's been profoundly deaf!