photo of Ali Smith, Atman Smith & Andres Gonzales
Yoga & Mindfulness in the Inner City - The Holistic Life Foundation

The Holistic Life Foundation does the amazing work of transforming lives & spirits in inner city Baltimore. The basic tools are yoga & mindfulness taught and modeled by 3 men in the hood. Ali Smith, Atman Smith & Andres Gonzales founded HLF fresh out of college in 2001, working with kids, at-risk people, the mentally ill, and everyone else, providing a model for changed and redirected lives.

The Privilege of Being (and Seeing) White - Making Racism Visible
The Privilege of Being (and Seeing) White - Making Racism Visible

Our racism is mostly invisible to us because all the assumptions around it seem "normal" to us, The authors of Seeing White: An introduction to White Privilege and Race lead us through a rigorous inspection of the history and present of racism in the USA - and the way out of this ingrained social construction. Jean Halley is in the Department of Sociology and Amy Eshleman is the Department of Psychology at Wagner College, Staten Island, NY, and co-author Ramya Vijaya is an Associate Prof of Economics at Richard Stockton College in New Jersey.

Jean Halley is also author of Boundaries of Touch: Parenting and Adult-Child Intimacy

Walkin' Jim Stoltz
Walkin' Jim Stoltz' Memorial Song of the Soul

A memorial Song of the Soul for Walkin' Jim Stoltz, the great hiker and minstrel of the open places, who left us 9/3/2010. Jim's passions and music are here guided by his wife, Leslie Stoltz, sister Susan Grace Stoltz, and long-time friend, Scott Carpenter.

Chris Picco
Watchmen from Castles In Air - Chris Picco's Song of the Soul

Chris Picco is lead singer of Castles In Air, a Christian Indie band in Southern California. He's originally from Canada and part of his path to settling here with his American wife included a period in NYC helping out after 9/11/2001. His love of music is profound as you'll see on youtube, as is his Christian faith.

So Rich, So Poor: Why It's So Hard to End Poverty in America
So Rich, So Poor: Why It's So Hard to End Poverty in America

Peter Edelman's new book is So Rich, So Poor: Why It's So Hard to End Poverty in America, and he brings great credentials an passion to the concern. As an aide to Senator Robert Kennedy, having servied in Washington in various posts, including the one he resigned from during the Clinton administration in protest of the "welfare reform" that Clinton signed, he knows the nuts & bolts as well as the mechanics of government.

Also written by Peter Edelman:
Reconnecting Disadvantaged Young Men - with Harry Holzer & Paul Offner
Searching for America's Heart: RFK and the Renewal of Hope
Adolescence and Poverty - co-edited with Joyce Ladner

Featured Music
Hallelujah I'm a Bum - Pete Seeger

Wooden Frame Placeholder
Poi-Sand Mining - A Fracking BusinessJerry Lausted is on the board of The Save the Hills Alliance, was an Ag teacher for 18 years, and has been involved in frac sand mining concerns since 2006.
Ed Trickett
River of the Big Canoe - Ed Trickett's Song of the Soul

Ed Trickett has a long and fruitful connection with folk music, on his own and as part of the nearly legendary trio, Bok, Muir & Trickett, all recording with Folk Legacy Records. When he's not on the road, Ed is a prof of psychology at Univ of Illinois - Chicago.

Wounded Knee & Healing Spirit - A Visit to the Pine Ridge Reservation
Wounded Knee & Healing Spirit - A Visit to the Pine Ridge Reservation

Guest host today is Robert Wolf of American Mosaic and Free River Press, and he takes us on a visit to the Pine Ridge Reservation, a place of poverty and Spirit, and site of Wounded Knee and the stand-off with the American Indian Movement.


Indiana Meets India - Carrie Newcomer's Song of the Soul

Carrie Newcomer added some rich music, experience and Spirit to her repertoire by her recent visits to India, including collaboration with legendary sarod maestro Ustad Amjad Ali Khan and his sons Amaan & Ayaan. As always, Carrie weaves tapestries of music & Spirit spanning the globe, all launched from her home in Indiana.

The Business of Solar - Ralph Jacobson
The Business of Solar - Ralph Jacobson

Ralph Jacobson founded Innovative Power Systems in 1991, giving him 20 years on the learning curve. His outlook & views have been significantly changed by the experience of "doing business". He is also president of the Minnesota Solar Industries and lives in St Paul, Minnesota.