Biodynamics & Sacred Agriculture: Creating a New Relationship With the Earth
Biodynamics & Sacred Agriculture: Creating a New Relationship With the Earth

The Biodynamic Farming & Gardening Association is holding their North American conference in Madison, Wisconsin, on November 14-18, 2012. Executive director, Robert Karp, speaks about the organization, biodynamics, and the conference, while keynoter & workshop leader Dennis Klocek shares about Sacred Agriculture and alchemy.

Dennis Klocek is author of at least 10 books, on topics including natural cycles & rhythms, climate, alchemy, and more, and he's co-founder of Coros Institute.

Healing From Twin Loss - Mary Rockefeller Morgan
Healing From Twin Loss - Mary Rockefeller Morgan

Mary Rockefeller Morgan's book is Beginning With the End: A Memoir of Twin Loss and Healing, where Mary traces the trauma and the route to healing which she experienced and now passes on to other "Twinless Twins", like the group created by the events of 9/11/2001. The tragedy that so impacted Mary in 1961 was known nationwide because Nelson Rockefeller, governor of New York (and eventually VP under President Ford), was her father, and the story serves as a cautionary and, eventually, helpful tale of the complexities and possibilities of healing from loss of a beloved intimate.

Chris Van Cleave
See Beyond - Chris Van Cleave's Song of the Soul

Chris Van Cleave has a long and many-textured career with music - as part of the folk-rock band Meadow, writing & performing a lot of his own music, but also performing in several musicals, including a couple national tours in the title role of Jesus Christ Superstar. He's also co-written a rock/gospel musical called The Davidson Affair

Ending Cycles of Violence in Kenya - Judy Lumb
Ending Cycles of Violence in Kenya - Judy Lumb

Judy Lumb is the author of Ending Cycles of Violence: Kenyan Quaker Peacemaking Response after the 2007 Elections, where she captures the historical context, the eruption of violence, and efforts in the aftermath the restore safety & connection, and to promote healing. Judy lives in Belize and publishes books as Producciones de la Hamaca.

Andres Gonzolas
Rapping Yoga/We R God - Andres Gonzolas' Song of the Soul

Andres Gonzales is a yogi/world-healer with The Holistic Life Foundation, Inc and a hip-hop/rapper with For The People Entertainment (or here). Based in Baltimore, Maryland, fuses music, messages and movement to bring power and love to the Great One we all are.

Damh The Bard
Pagan Ways of Green & Grey - Part 2 of Damh the Bard's Song of the Soul

Damh the Bard is the stage name of Dave Smith, singer, songwriter, and Pendragon in the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids. Taking inspiration from those connected deeply with the Earth & the wild, Dave guides listeners in the footsteps of a closer knowledge and life with our home.

Druids, Corn Riggs & Standing Stones - Part 1 of Dahm the Bard's Song of the Soul

Damh the Bard is the stage name of Dave Smith, singer, songwriter, and Pendragon in the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids. Taking inspiration from those connected deeply with the Earth & the wild, Dave guides listeners in the footsteps of a closer knowledge and life with our home.


Move to Amend
Move to Amend - Fighting Corporate Power AGAIN! is a nationwide effort to reverse the Citizens United Supreme Court Decision. Rick Jurmain, engineer, co-owner of a very successful local corporation, and founder of Chippewa Valley Move to Amend, is passionate about reclaiming the people's rightful place over corporations, again, and he helps us learn from the historical record of American's rising up against corporate tyrants.


Sarah McQuaid
The Sun Goes On Rising - Sarah McQuaid's Song of the Soul

Sarah McQuaid carries a world of music with her, born in Spain, raised in the USA, and having lived 18 years in Ireland & England. A singer/songwriter who started in the folk world, Sarah will win your heart with her beautiful voice, lively and lovely guitar, and deep spirit.

Nashville Homeless - The View from the Street
Nashville Homeless - The View from the Street

Guest host Robert Wolf of American Mosaic shares the poetry, prose, and voices of the homeless people he's worked with over the years. The voices are gritty and real, providing an honest glimpse of life most of us never see. In 1989 Robert started his writing workshops with the homeless of Nashville, and he's gone on to gather writings from all over the country, creating an American Mosaic, both book and radio program, part of Free River Press.

Music Featured:
Homeless in New York - Gwynne Winsberg
Everybody's Lover - Gwynne Winsberg
Nobody Knows a Mucker Like Me - Chuck Suchy
Homeless Brother - Don McLean