photo of Marjorie Heins
Priests of Our Democracy: The Supreme Court, Academic Freedom, and the Anti-Communist Purge

Marjorie Heins is the author of Priests of Our Democracy: The Supreme Court, Academic Freedom, and the Anti-Communist Purge, examining the roots of free speech by teachers as a special concern of the US constitution, and the lessons we can learn from the way these rights were compromised badly during the McCarthy Era. Through decades of work as a civil rights lawyer, Marjorie carries a passion and deep insight into the ways our rights are, or are not, protected by our government.

photo of David Scherer, also known as AGAPE
Unbelief, Rejoicing, & Tears Through Hip Hop/Rap - AGAPE

AGAPE* (David Scherer) does deep, searching, inspirational, hip-hop/rap music calling listeners to a closer connection to God. Son of hippie-Lutheran parents, the lone white kid in an inner city school, Dave comes from great stuff and leads us there as well. Completely real, Dave is a tonic for those who despair of real Spirit in the Church.

photo of Joe Wenke
A Cultural Arsonist’s Literal Reading of the Bible

Joe Wenke has just released You Got To Be Kidding: A Cultural Arsonist’s Literal Reading of the Bible, and with humor and sometimes sarcasm, he brings new, unjaded eyes to the writings of the Bible. He aims to disarm those who would use the Bible for oppression and domination and is seriously focused on making you laugh on the way to the unshackling. Joe has been a corporate speech writer, a stand-up comedian, and has trademarked the Cultural Arsonist moniker.

photo of Ben Tousley sitting by a lake and holding his guitar on his lap.
It's the Same Love

Ben Tousley is a folksinger with a great mix of song and spirit, with 6 CDs to his personal credit, plus one more recently released with Sue Kranz. His degree from Harvard Divinity School prepared him as chaplain to college students, the elderly and to hospice patients. As a cancer survivor, he understands vulnerability, anguish, and hope from the inside, and it ends up in his music, his hospice work, and in his teaching.

photo of Peterson Toscano
Gender Outlaws in the Bible

Peterson Toscano, using wit, humor & theater, illuminates non-conforming gender roles in the Bible, reclaiming existence for a variety of folks ignored & silenced by the mainstream. With his winning humor and incisive vision, Peterson found acceptance for his revolutionary insights when presenting at the joint 2012 conference of the Society of Biblical Literature/American Academy of Religion. His newest theater production is Jesus Had 2 Daddies.

Featured Music:
I Learned It In Sunday School - Andy Murray

photo of Denise Jordan Finley singing & playing guitar in concert

Denise Jordan Finley performs in a duo with Daniel Pagdon as Finley and Pagdon. Denise has decades of experience with other duos and configuration, but the real suprise is that she's only really got her stride as a songwriter in the 12 years or so. With music rooted in folk or Americana, she ranges to bluegrass, jazz and much more. As a non-conforming believer, directing music in the Presbyterian Church, she's a deep soul and a musical voyageur.

Nukewatching from the Farm - John LaForge

Nukewatch staffer John LaForge has produced the Nukewatch Quarterly for more than 20 years, carefully documenting the dangers and disasters of nuclear power & weapons, mixed with reporting on Nonviolent Direct Action. Originating in Madison, WI, Nukewatch has long been based near Luck, WI, with the Anathoth Community Farm, living organically, nonviolently, and mostly off the grid.

photo of Michael Johnson
Cain's Blood - Michael Johnson's Song of the Soul

Michael Johnson journeys between folk, rock, & country charts, reaching the tops of the respect charts over the decades, with probing lyrics and excellent guitar. Recently returned from Nashville to the Twin Cities, Michael is making music with Red House Records & exploring connections with his newly-discovered daughter.

Forever At the Door - Ann Mayo Muir's Song of the Soul

Ann Mayo Muir has a long pedigree as a folk singer/songwriter, including many years as part of the near-legendary trio, Bok,Trickett, & Muir. Talented on a number of instruments and with a beautiful, evocative, voice, there is power and depth in all of her music. With a deep connection to the sea, she lives in France on a peninsula jutting into the Mediterranean.

Face-to-face with the War Beast in Fayetteville
Face-to-face with the War Beast in Fayetteville

Chuck Fager has served 11 years with Quaker House, situated right next to Ft. Bragg, the largest army base in the USA, and dealing daily with soldiers & the war machine, They provide peace education, advocacy & counseling, both directly & through the GI Rights Hotline (call  877-447-4487 ). Since 2001, Chuck's dealt with torture, Don't Ask Don't Tell, moral injury, drones, and much more. He's an author of many books and articles, on the civil rights movement, theology, Quakers, humor, and more.