Bill and Genie Durland at a protest event
War Taxes, Injustice in Palestine, Racism - A Life of Faith, Joy & Service

War tax resistance, immigration, Middle East, intentional community, books & plays, public office, divestment - Bill & Genie Durland have been called & led to address these concerns and many more. With the Center on Law & Pacifism, Pendle Hill, Christian Peacemaker Teams, the Virginia House of Delegates, and elsewhere, Bill & Genie have walked a faithful life of witness. Order their plays by email at

Bob Graf and others holding signs at protest
Non-violent Cow takes on ROTC at Marquette U - Bob Graf At Work

Bob Graf spent 7 years as a Jesuit scholastic student, was part of the Milwaukee 14, a 1968 action to destroy draft records during the Vietnam War, and recently he got arrested as a result of his protests of ROTC training at Marquette U. Now a grandfather, Bob is still devoted to the work of the Church and his efforts to help it be true to its calling.


photo of annie
Blue Pills and Butterflies - Annie Lanzillotto's Song of the Soul

Annie Lanzillotto rocks it! Soulful, quirky, sweet, brash, indomitable, she produces a variety of art - 3 rock/blues/spoken word CDs (Blue Pill, Carry My Coffee, and Eleven Recitations), a memoir, L is for Lion: An Italian Bronx Butch Freedom Memoir, a book of poetry, Schistsong, and much more performance art, some available on her site.

photo of Madeline Schaefer
Sustainable Agriculture, Water Rights, Divestment and Intentional Communities

Madeline Schaefer hosts a variety of segments about AFSC's work concerning sustainable agriculture, water rights, divestment in illegal Palestinian occupation, immigrants, and her own investigation of intentional communities for change.

circular logo for Quaker Earthcare Witness
Deeper Relationship with Earth - Process & Practice

When building relationship with Earth, the best advice may be "don't just do something, sit there!", and 3 participants of a weeklong workshop did something like that, sharing their process, experience, and fruits in this program. eric maya joy, Mary Jo Klingel, and Mary Conrow Coelho speak of roots & fruits of a Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW) experiment.

Red Grammer holding acoustic guitar and smiling at camera
Strangely Wrapped Gift - Red Grammer's Song of the Soul

Red Grammer, while known especially for his children's/family music, also caters to adult listeners. Mixed with an irrepressible inner child is his spirit-deep Baha'i adult, bebopping and crooning, all approaches leading to joy, joy, joy. His beautiful voice, speaking through great lyrics, will lead you in celestial, exuberant, pathways.

portrait of Jonathan Larson
Making Friends Among the Taliban - Jonathan P. Larson

Dan Terry did things that are unbelievable in many Western eyes - being welcomed among diverse peoples of Afghanistan, including some among the Taliban. After a life of aid, friendship, and living on the edge in the region, Dan was killed in 2010, and his story and stories are captured in Making Friends Among the Taliban: A Peacemaker's Journey in Afghanistan, written by Jonathan P. Larson.

cover of book
Public Secrets & Justice - Heart & Hurt on the Circuit Court Bench

Laura Melvin retired after 10 years as a Florida circuit court judge, and the spirit of one of the young girls whose death came through Laura's courtroom required her to write Public Secrets & Justice: A Journal of a Circuit Court Judge. Laura stayed on the bench as long as she could and left when the pain & contradictions were no longer tolerable. What is the role of an open-hearted, conscientious, judge in the American court system? Laura shares her experiences & insights.

Portrait of Judy Wicks
Unexpected Journey of an Activist Entrepreneur and Local-Economy Pioneer

Judy Wicks is author of Good Morning, Beautiful Business: The Unexpected Journey of an Activist Entrepreneur and Local-Economy Pioneer and was owner of the White Dog Cafe in Philly for almost 30 years, pioneering business that was engaged, transformational, community-building, fun, and successful. On the cutting edge of local food, organic, humane, politically-involved, food & business.

picture of Jeremy Gragert at poster session
Power to the Pedal People - Bikes, Buses & Climate Change

Jeremy Gragert tackles the climate/environment crisis at home by working on the ways we travel, including his activism with the Chippewa Valley Transit Alliance, Eau Claire Climate Action Now, and the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin ( Whether on a bus, a bike, or in the cooperative household in which he lives, Jeremy lives consciously, making a difference.

Music Featured:
Pushbike Song - Mungo Jerry
Global Warming - Niyorah Olivacce