Randall Paskemin
Round Dance/Pow-wow/Christmas/Weasel Music

Randall Paskemin is a member of the Plains Cree & a prolific and creative Round Dance & Pow-wow songwriter. Firmly rooted in native culture, but enriched by the music of the Beatles, U2, Shania Twain, & others, Randall weaves native vocal & drum style music with lyrics & tunes & themes to create music accessible and rich for all people. His latest CD is Christmas Cheer.

Raging Grannies
Raging Grannies Are Conspiring

The Raging Grannies of Madison, Wisconsin are part of a nationwide & international movement of women singing and standing for peace, justice, and creation. Three of the Madison group - Bonnie Block, Rebecca Alwin, & Barbara Park, speak of the motives, methods, & movement of older women and the songs they sing to change our world.

All songs are adapted and performed by The Raging Grannies of Madison:
Raging Grannies Are Conspiring
Mining in the North Woods
The Uterus Song
Grannies Song of Solidarity


photo of Charles Walker
Silver Linings in the Blues

The Charles Walker Band and the R&B/Blues/Jazz/Etc music that they play lead us to the shiny center of all things. Charles writes love-and-hope-oriented sunny blues, the fruit of his spiritual growth starting from Evangelical Christianity, through Buddhism & Taoism, and flourishing in personal motivation and Mastermind.

Michael Rambo
Life Is Beautiful

Michael Rambo first assembled his latest music as a project and it became a phenomenon. What to expect? Soul, jazz, R&B, gospel, and messages of gratitude and connection to God.

Future Movement - The Evolution of Transportation

Steve Terwilliger talks about his environmental transformation of his home, and an in-depth study of potential futures of our transportation system.

The Chimpanzee Chronicles and Growing Compassion

Debra Rosenman is author of the upcoming collection, The Chimpanzee Chronicles: Spellbinding Stories from Behind the Bars, about our closest animal cousin. It's about increasing understanding & compassion, something Debra also does through her workshops on Journey into the Animal Heart Circles and by her private practice as a Certified Rubenfeld Synergist and Somatic Archaeologist.

Music Featured:
If Baboons Can Work It Out - Charlie King & Karen Brandow


Fruitful Lesbian Lives - 3 memoirs
More Fruitful Lesbian Lives, 3 memoirs - Part 2

There's a sea change going on around marriage equality/homosexuality/alternative sexuality, and one sign is 3 new memoirs. Last week we spoke to Chana Wilson who wrote Riding Fury Home, including the trials of the "mental illness" of her lesbian mother, and we started our visit with Annie Lanzillotto, author of L is for Lion: An Italian Bronx Butch Freedom Memoir, including her trials with cancer, a raucous Italian family, and much more. We conclude our 2 hours with Margaret Sorrel who assisted to fruition Staying True: Musings of an Odd-duck Quaker Lesbian Approaching Death, for her partner, Lynn Waddington, at the end of Lynn's life. Part of the sea change is that these are memoirs of multifaceted people, not "just" lesbians.

Don D Harvey
From the 3rd Planet and Beyond

You can get a good idea of what kind of music singer/songwriter Don D. Harvey makes by the list of groups he's been part of (in addition to his solo work): Shakin Loose, Tennessee, The Acoustic ConspiracyThe Earthbound Band, and currently, The Ultrasonic Duo. Featured at the Great River Folk Festival this year, Don lives and plays in the LaCrosse, Wisconsin area.

Fruitful Lesbian Lives - 3 memoirs
Fruitful Lesbian Lives, 3 memoirs - Part 1

There's a sea change going on around marriage equality/homosexuality/alternative sexuality, and one sign is 3 new memoirs. Chana Wilson wrote Riding Fury Home, including the trials of the "mental illness" of her lesbian mother. Annie Lanzillotto released L is for Lion: An Italian Bronx Butch Freedom Memoir, including her trials with cancer, a raucous Italian family, and much more. We conclude our 2 hours with Margaret Sorrell who edited Staying True - Musings of an Odd-duck Quaker Lesbian Approaching Death, for her partner, Lynn Waddington, at the end of Lynn's life. Part of the sea change is that these are memoirs of multifaceted people, not "just" lesbians.


Evolution's Purpose - Science, Spirituality, & Philosophy

Steve McIntosh is author of Evolution's Purpose: An Integral Interpretation of the Scientific Story of Our Origins, an insightful & carefully reasoned study of the big WHY driving creation. With a worldview peering beyond the beliefs & practices of traditionalists, modernists, & post-modernists, Steve leads us to an outlook which promises dramatic improvement, inner & outer, for our culture & world.