Heidi Hart
Studying Music & Violence, Singing & Harping Peace

Heidi Hart was dramatically changed by her first encounter with the German concentration camps of WWII, and she has dived deep into the subject of music and violence. With her harp and voice, Heidi explores and interprets the beauty and power of music, often of German origin, and in her writing she leads us to better understand of the potential of music for health and harm.

Gypsy Bells

Brianna Lea Pruett sends an evocative message through her music and her art. With all kinds of deep musical influences - classical, jazz, rock, pop, and country - Brianna does breathtaking folk (and more). Her lineage includes Cherokee, Choctaw and Chickasaw forebears, but also French and Irish, so she's a rich mix in the very way you might expect. And she lives a deep passion and concern for human life on this planet.

photo of Marielle Allschwang
Hello Death

Marielle Allschwang makes music in several configurations - with Group of the Altos, Hello Death (also on Bandcamp.com, and with Adam Krause (Ethan Krause's brother). And solo as well now. Creative and beautiful, both vocally and instrumentally, Marielle will lead you to the edge and beyond.

Lon Milo DuQuette
Gentle Heretic: Lon Milo DuQuette

Lon Milo DuQuette, a practitioner and teacher of Thelema, has written extensively and resumed a career in music a few years ago after decades away from the music scene. His music is profound, fun, simple, complicated, and engaging. He and his fan page are excellent sources of amazing music and spirituality.

Mark Leach
Ecological Restoration: Partnership with Nature

Mark Leach has been teaching and living out the substance of his recent E-Book, Positive Participation with Nature: Ecological Restoration in Wisconsin. Engaging deeply with the the geography, history, flora, & fauna of a place, Mark shares lessons and insights into really meeting nature on respectful grounds and healing some of the scars of thoughtless human habitation of our land.

photo of Leah Bolger
Navy Commander for Peace - Leah Bolger

After 20 years in the Navy, Leah Bolger retired into full-time work as a peace activist. Leah is active almost everywhere, is the first female president of the national Veterans for Peace, works on the World Beyond War project, acts as Secretary of Defense for the Green Shadow Cabinet, coordinates the Drones Quilt Project, and chairs the VFP Drones Working Group.

photo of Megan standing next to her instrument
Wanderin' Fool

Megan Smith is half of Misner & Smith, a really special folk/roots/country music duo. Megan plays the upright bass and mandolin, but it's her phenomenal vocals that won my soul. A native of Davis, California, she's also appeared in a number of theatrical productions. This is music and a musician you don't want to miss.

Nancy Bowker
Out of the Depths

Nancy Bowker has been forced, and led, into a life of profound solitude, due to illness. From working in blueberry fields as a child, to the jazz stage, to the inner retirement of improvised, sung prayer, Nancy sings out of the depths. Find more of her music on http://nbcrossings.tumblr.com/

The Original Liberation Theology Story - YESHU
The Original Liberation Theology Story - YESHU

In Yeshu: A Novel for the Openhearted, Charles David Kleymeyer re-sees and re-tells a well-known, sometimes culture-limited story, but this time with eyes and tongue influenced by decades of experience in Latin America.

photo of Sam in concert
Seven Hour Storm

Sam Misner is half of Misner & Smith, and their latest CD is Seven Hour Storm, chock full of great glimpses into the human condition, but even more full of awesome vocals & harmonies. This is Folk/Americana music from a younger generation to match anything that's gone before.