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The Pacifica Path

Ursula Ruedenberg became Affiliate Network Manager of Pacifica at a critical time, when we were on the edge of loosing Pacifica's voice and witness. Though we're not out of the woods yet, Ursula has followed this path and done this work in faithfulness to the great tradition of peace, truth, and community which is central to Pacifica, and she is a sign of hope and inspiration for the power and future of community radio.

Peace On The Airwaves: Pacifica Radio

Ursula Ruedenberg is Affiliate Network Manager of Pacifica, doing the great work of bringing together the energies and voices of grassroots activists all over the country. Founded by peace activists, with 5 anchor stations and hundreds of affiliates, Pacifica has played a pivotal role in forming the radio and news landscape of the USA, and Ursula has played her own pivotal role over the last decade and a half.

Earth Day 2014
Earth Movements & Music - Current Issues, Actions, and Songs,p>A number of musicians sharing their songs about the environmental issues of our day (and progress being made) - fracking, frac sand mining, the loss of the honeybees, global warming, incineration, fossil fuels, and mining. Includes Si Kahn, Tom Neilson, Chuck LeMonds, Emma's Revolution, and Alice Di Micele.
Musicians United to Protect Bristol Bay
Singing, Fighting, and Mushing for Bristol Bay

Musicians United to Protect Bristol Bay have been spreading the call to step forward for the well-being of the people and way of life threatened by the proposed Pebble Mine of the coast next to Alaska's Bristol Bay. It's a hopeful time as we speak to several defenders of the land - musician Si Kahn, former Alaskan State Senator, Suzanne Little, dog-musher Monica Zappa, & Alaskan Representative, Bryce Edgmon.

Featured Music:
Abundance - Si Kahn
Our Children's Children - Bryce Edgmon


Susan Grace Stoltz
Come into the Light -- of Alaska

Though Susan Grace Stoltz was Michigan raised, she's all about her home in Alaska - the people who are really there for you, the rivers, protecting the land and creatures, and, again, the people. A beautiful soul and voice with vibrant lyrics, Susan brings listeners into the Light.

Betsy Leondar-Wright
Social Class & Powerful Social Action

Most activists recognize the strength to social action groups of drawing power from across the racial and sex/gender landscape, but too few recognize the key effects of class. In Missing Class: Strengthening Social Movement Groups by Seeing Class Cultures, Betsy Leondar-Wright shines a focused light on the opportunities for pulling together as never before, by seeing the many ways in which social class impacts our thoughts, actions, and organizing. Betsy's previous book is Class Matters, and she is program director of and senior trainer for Class Action.

Jody Soland
Message From a Red-tailed Hawk

Jody Soland's spiritual gifts were refined and deepened through a period of painful adversity, a series of years which included West Nile Virus, mono, complications, traumatic brain injury, and more. As you'll find out, Jody has chosen the bright pathway up from such depths, called to the path by a red-tailed hawk and channeled through beautiful vocals and instrumentation.

Resister: Doing Time for Doing Good
Resister - Doing Time for Doing Good

Bruce Dancis is author of Resister: A Story of Protest and Prison during the Vietnam War, was raised by secular Jewish parents, nurtured at the NY Society for Ethical Culture, and became a passionate advocate for social justice and student leader as a student at Cornell U. A leader in their Cornell's chapter and out front as a draft resister, Bruce's experience of the turbulent late-60's, including his time in prison, have a lot to tell us about organizing, ethics, and courage.

Niyonu Spann
What You Put Down Now

Niyonu Spann is the leader of Tribe1, a Philadelphia group singing for peace and unity. Niyonu is used to wrestling with the deep things, walking carefully through the tender places, and bravely going to the scary territory where the fainter hearts just faint. In addition to her moving, soulful, questioning music, Niyonu leads workshops called Beyond Diversity 101. And more. Find Tribe1's music on Bandcamp.

Featured music (all written by Niyonu Spann):
What You Put Down Now - by Niyonu & Diane Spann
The Saddest Thing - by Tribe1 from Waymaker
Be My Friend - by Tribe1 from Waymaker
Same Ol' Thing - by Niyonu Spann
Sit Down With Me - by Niyonu Spann

Jenn Rogar
The Remembered Earth

Jenn Rogar is passionately called to work for healing of the world in too many ways to enumerate. All are rooted in, however, and fed by, a deep connection to the Earth and its creatures. Whether the topic is addiction, native rights, homelessness, corporations, or whatever, Jenn's call for action and healing comes through with compelling power and folk music brilliance.

All the songs in this program are written & performed by Jenn Rogar::
The River - from The River
The Remembered Earth - from The River
Dove Spring Girl - from Place Called Humanity
Shasta - from The River
Place Called Humanity - from Place Called Humanity