Anne Feeney
Lawyer to Social Activist Musician - Anne Feeney's Song of the Soul

Anne Feeney went from 12 years as a lawyer to full-time as a social activist musician. With 8 CD's plus other recordings, she's given us a wealth of music and messages.

Patricia Morrison
Patricia Morrison's Song of the Soul

Patricia Morrison first trained as a classical vocalist, but a combination of factors, including her experience around 9-11 led her to a degree in Peace and Global Studies, peace activism, communal activist living and, eventually to her current life as a itinerant musician, wandering the American landscape.

Louise W. Knight
Jane Addams: Spirit In Action - Louise W. Knight

Visit with Louise Knight, author of Jane Addams: Spirit In Action. Around a century ago Jane Addams stood at the head of the major peace & justice efforts of her day. Founder of Hull House in Chicago, she provided leadership for suffrage, work reforms, the NAACP, and peace organizations like the Womens International League for Peace & Freedom - and much more.

Music Featured:
Bread & Roses - Anne Feeney

photo of Mary Shapiro
Mary Shapiro's 2nd Song of the Soul

A re-visit with singer/songwriter and activist Mary Shapiro, organizer and host of the Sounds of Hope Concert Series in Washington DC, and niece to the Dominican priest who founded the Friends of God Dominican Ashram.

Joseph Maizlish
Mediator & Prisoner for Peace

Joseph Maizlish voluntarily relinquished his deferment during the Vietnam War and spent 2 1/2 years in jail. His work now includes mediation and activities with Southern California War Tax Resistance. Family counseling, civil rights, antinuclear work are all part of his path.

Music Featured:
Have You Been to Jail for Justice? - Anne Feeney
Travelers - Andy & Terry Murray

Karen Taylor-Good
Karen Taylor-Good's Song of the Soul

Karen Taylor-Good is from Nashville and over the years she's made important splashes in that sizeable music pool. Her songs have been nominated for Grammys and she's recorded with a number of well-known performers like Dolly Parton, Willie Nelson & Kenny Rogers. Deeper glimpses of the power of her life show through her work with The Planet Earth Project, Hospice organizations and through her Jewish and Unity roots.

Bolton Refuge House
Bolton Refuge House

Jerry Wilke, Executive Director of Bolton Refuge House for 22 years talks about the practical & spiritual aspects of domestic abuse.

Music Featured:
Love Is the Only Medicine - Peter Alsop

Barbara Stephan
Barbara Stephan's Song of the Soul

Barbara Stephan loves R&B and Jazz best, but performs powerfully across the musical spectrum. She hales from Millwaukee and teaches music at the Waukesha County Conservatory of Music. With a passion for spirituality, her songs combine beauty, fun and depth with a message. Barbara's talents also include photography and you'll find some of her amazing pictures of presences in wood on her site and look soon for the calendar of her pictures to be produced by

Philip Gulley
If the Church Were Christian - Philip Gulley

Philip Gulley is the author of 16 books to date, including the popular fictional series based in Harmony, Indiana. Phil's latest is If the Church Were Christian: Rediscovering the Values of Jesus, and it is a powerful challange to the anti-gay, pro-war, pro-wealth messages of Christians out of step with Jesus.

Music featured:
Follow Me - Bryan Sirchio
Who Would Jesus Bomb - David Rovics
When Jesus Was a Kid - Peter Alsop


Peter Frey
Peter Frey's Song of the Soul

Peter Frey is 1/3rd of Kazyak, a new band that, like Peter, is rich in musical and creative diversity. Combine folk, jazz, rock and classical music with diverse ingredients like whimsy and political science, and you get an inkling of Peter Frey and Kazyak.