Mike Quick
My Father's Shoes - Mike Quick's Song of the Soul

Mike Quick has done a lot of types of music over a few decades, including blues, rock, country, etc, but his musical home is folk music, his church is the wide outdoors, and his tree is the Oak.

Rabbi Marcia Prager
Friend of the Soul - Rabbi Marcia Prager's Song of the Soul

Marcia Prager is Rabbi at Philadelphia's P'nai Or community, an affiliate of ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal. Marcia is a teacher, a singer and a dynamic source of spiritual guidances vibrantly rooted in the Jewish faith.

logo for Whispered Hopes
Whispered Hopes - In support of exploited women Renee Wurzer is a leading force behind WhisperedHopes.org, a group whose mission is to extend friendship and acceptance to women ostracized by their work in strip clubs. The approach is directly in the path of Jesus who provided welcome to prostitutes, tax collectors and others reviled by society.
photo of Gina singing
Eco Boogie - Gina Citoli's Song of the Soul

Gina Citoli has a long pedigree singing and writing music. Gina has performed with several groups, including Alchemy VII, but is now typically on her own. She's been popular with those with an organic, holistic point of view, especially those that connect with New Thought and Earth-based spiritualities, as well as consciousness raising groups.

photo of Michele
The Children of Mother GloryMichele (C.M.) Harris has written a probing and powerful novel involving issues of sexual identity, pacifism and toxicity in the environment over the past 100 years. With multiple protagonists facing a world that is judgmental to gay/lesbian/trans/pacifist people, Michele takes us for a walk in the shoes of the "other", helping us to understand the issues from many directions.
Warren Petryk
Memories - Warren Petryk's Song of the Soul

Warren Petryk has done a lot of music, with a group called The Memories, as part of Taize-style worship, with the Chippewa Valley Symphony and, of course, on his tapes and CD's. He's deeply rooted in Christianity with great appreciation in the ways God shows through all of Creation and the writings of many other religions.

photo of two students who participated
ENPH - Environmental Public Health At WorkA visit with 3 folks with the ENPH program - Environmental Public Health - at UW-EC, a training ground for professionals working with the intersection of public health and the environment. Crispin Pierce is the director of the program and Caleb Johnson and Patrick Bloecher are seniors in the program. At the same time they do the public work with ENPH, they are transformed personally by the experience.
Jack Kessler
Klingon Klezmer - Jack Kessler's Song of the Soul

Jack Kessler has many musical faces. He has decades of experience as a Cantor with Aleph, Alliance for Jewish Renewal. He's also the director and lead force behind Atzilut Concerts for Peace, a Jewish-Arab ensemble, and Klingon Klezmer, a Klezmer-Fusion band beyond belief.

photo of Brenda
Medicine Song Woman - Brenda MacIntyre

Brenda MacIntyre is a singer and a healer - hence her healingsinger.com web site. She has taken a background of difficulty and abuse and, with inspiration from her aboriginal/First Nations ancestry and inspiration of Spirit, she converted into a gift of healing for herself and others through song, visions and intuitive healing.

All the songs in this program are performed by Medicine Song Woman:

Crystal Clear
Medicine Song
Back In The River
One Door Opens

map of route taken by canoe across Minnesota
Paddle for the PlanetDavid Abazs is a moving force behind Paddle for the Planet, a 500-mile canoe trip from the headwaters of the Mississippi River to the Twin Cities where it concludes with River Rally between St Cloud and St Paul, MN, May 20-23, 2010 when everyone is invited to join in.