photo of Greg Herriges
Greg Herriges' Song of the Soul

Greg Herriges (& Telluric Currents) is music that tastes of the vastness of the world and the universe. It is spirituality, most often without words, that is World Music and Minnesota music. It's a treat!

Sara Thomsen
The Freedom Song of Sara Thomsen

Sara Thomsen is strongly called to heal the world through her music. One of her songs, "Is It For Freedom", has been heard repeatedly on Democracy Now, because of its poignant call for our nation's self-examination following 9-11. Her concerns are wide - women, LGBT issues, care for creation, peace and more - and she writes and sings with soul-deep sensitivity.

All the songs in this program are performed by Sara Thomsen

Peace in the Precincts poster
Mindful Methodist And Friend of Non-violenceMatt Hunter has been serving as Executive Director of FNVW- Friends for a Non-violent World for 2 1/2 years. Matt is Methodist and was dramatically turned to a belief in Jesus' nonviolent message in seminary. He's worked in South Africa around apartheid and HIV-AIDS, and worked with the homeless in Florida before coming to the Twin Cities.
photo of Aaron Fowler
Aaron Fowler's Song of the Soul

Aaron Fowler is a songwriter/musician from Wichita, Kansas whose calling for the past 2 decades has involved living and working in the inner city and founding an organization called Hope Street Students United. Aaron's music has included plenty of music with kids, educationally and as entertainment.

cover of book "Hands at Work"
Hands At Work - Iris GravilleThe book "Hands At Work: Portraits and Profiles of People Who Work with Their Hands" combines striking and intimate photography with inspiring prose to talk about work in a way is too often ignored in the USA. This book is a visual meditation to help restore the life to "making a living".
photo of magic mamma
Magic Mama's Song of the Soul

Magic Mama is Kjersten Hallin deGaia and she does what she calls eco-edu-tainment and "Organic Hip Hop & World Beats for the Whole Family", and she does it with spiritual depth and soaring joy.

photo of Myron
History of War - and the Alternatives

Myron Buchholz brings real passion and personal insight to his teaching of high school History, particularly as it relates to war. He's spoken strongly against war since the early 1990's, but also brings respect and esteem to how he talks about our soldiers, including his daughter, currently serving in Iraq. He's a powerful, rational, dedicated voice speaking out against the error of war.

photo of Paulette Meier
Paulette Meier's Song of the Soul

Paulette Meier is a singer/songwriter and a school-based trainer in violence prevention and social emotional learning. Based in Cincinnati, she performs as part of Just Earth, along with Jamie Fota and Len Webb. Jamie performed with Paulette for this Song of this Soul interview.

book covers
Books to Heal the World - Buddha's Wife and QuakingGabriel Constans is a free lance writer whose newest book is Buddha's Wife, a book that explores different approaches to compassion and the role of women in Buddhism (and much more). Kathryn Erskine is the author of Quaking, set in a post 9-11 community where people have to wrestle with the promise and demons of peace-making in a fearful, war-eager, world, seen through the eyes of a troubled teen.
picture of book titled "Fit for freedom not for friendship"
Fit For Freedom, Not For Friendship - Donna McDaniel and Vanessa Julye A visit with Donna McDaniel & Vanessa Julye, co-authors of Fit for Freedom, Not for Friendship: Quakers, African Americans and the Myth of Racial Justice.