photo of Mary Shapiro playing guitar
Mary Shapiro's Song of the Soul

Self-proclaimed as a Jewish-Christian-Mystic-Pluralist, Mary Shapiro is clearly a rich spiritual pastiche. Her music is folk-rock-progressive, and she carries deep passion for work to heal and grow the world. Native to the Midwest, Washington DC is her current home.

photo of the center
Maharishi Invincibility CenterA visit with the co-directors of the newly opened center for transcendental meditation in the Twin Cities, discussing the history, present and potential ofTranscendental Meditation to promote health and peace, inner and outer.
photo of modern windmill on poster for Earth Day 2009
Earth Day 2009 - Music on Main Stage

The main stage music from Eau Claire's 2009 Earth Day celebration, including performances by Quinn Elizabeth, Jeff White, Billy Krause & Chuck Roll, Patchouli.

scenic photo of Monteverde
Risë Hunter - Monteverde, Costa Rica and The Cloud Forest School A visit with Risë Hunter of Monteverde Friends School, who originally moved to Costa Rica to work at the Cloud Forest School, a private school for environmental education. The launching place for her spiritual journey? Catoctin Quaker Camp!
photo of the service from the back of the room
Taizé Service - Forgiveness & Unity

A different format Song of the Soul - a recording of a Taizé style worship service filled with music, words and silence. We've abridged the silences for this radio broadcast, but encourage you to try them with full silence to experience the power of the worship.

photo of mosque in Altoona
Mosque Event - National Peace Foundation and Islamic Society of North America A powerful sharing of activist culture between the West and the Middle East co-sponsored by the National Peace Foundation and the Islamic Society of North America. Representatives from Qatar, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates met Chippewa Valley activists at the Altoona mosque to listen and learn from one another.
organizatinoal logo
Rodwaan Saleh - Islamic Society of North AmericaRodwaan Saleh is the Membership & Affiliates Coordinator of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). I visited with him as he accompanied a group of visitors to Eau Claire from Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen, on a trip co-sponsored by the National Peace Foundation.
Iraq Fallen
Observance of Dead and Injured in Iraq and Afghanistan

Six years ago today, US forces commenced military operations in Iraq. Following are the names of the 93 fallen soldiers from Wisconsin, from the the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Please take a moment to honor the soldiers and the countless innocent civilians who have suffered in this conflict.

The observance of Wisconsin fallen is brought to you by Voices for Peace Institute and Iraq Moratorium.

Peter Phippen
Peter Phippen's Song of the Soul

Peter Phippen started his musical career playing bass in a country western band, making good money, at the age of only 12. His search for the instrument of his soul was fulfilled when he met the bamboo flute 23 years ago. He's a regional icon on the flute, as both a composer and performer. Raised mostly non-religious, Peter considers himself a spiritualist with great affection for the Tao Te Ching.

photo of Geoff Garver
Building A Whole Earth Economy and The Moral Economy ProjectA visit with Geoff Garver, one of the 5 co-authors of "Right Relationship, Building A Whole Earth Economy." Combining a concern for the environment, awareness of economic mechanics, alternative governing structures and how to harness moral energy, this book seeks to find a way forward to preserving our world and well-being.