photo of Yata and Jean in concert
Yata's Song of the Soul

Yata is a musician with tremendous talents and deep spirit, delighting in collaboration with other artists, including Bruce Black, Timothy Young, Dave Ja Vue, and his wife, water-colorist Jean Accola. Yata is Lutheran, past and present, with a special fondness for the writings of Lao Tzu in the Dao De Jing.

photo of Jonathan Chamberlain
Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide by Jonathan ChamberlainJonathan Chamberlain is the author of a powerful and informative critique of cancer cures, orthodox and alternative. Dispassionate and rigorous, he exposes the facts about an ineffectual system and offers great hope for our health, both curative and preventative.
photo of John McCutcheaon playing autoharp in concert.
John McCutcheon - Mightier Than The SwordJohn McCutcheon has a long history as a dedicated musician with a powerful social conscience. Unions, the environment, war, Central America, national unity - these and many more concerns are woven into his music.
photo of Kim Denmark's book
Kim Denmark - Spiritual Walk Across America for the Poor & HomelessKim Denmark has been walking across America for 68 months now, witnessing for the homeless, the poor and for God, ever since being called from her deathbed by God. She's an inspiring person on an amazing journey.
photo of Laura and Aaron
Laura Dungan's Song of the Soul

Laura Dungan and her husband, Aaron Fowler, sing and lead music that speaks of the kind of work they do - community organizing and empowerment of the disempowered. Laura grew up Methodist, connecting with Quakers when she attended Friends University in Wichita, Kansas, where Laura and Aaron live.

From West Point to Quakerism
From West Point to Quakerism by Mike Heller

This is an excerpt from Pendle Hill Pamphlet 389: From West Point to Quakerism, by Mike Heller, narrated by Mark Helpsmeet, with music by Mathilda Navias.

photo of Regina
Regina Gallero's Song of the Soul

Regina Gallero was born and raised in Chile, coming to the USA for graduate school. Though she played guitar in her youth, she didn't start writing songs until her later 50's. Her spiritual path started with Catholicism, wended its way widely, and she has been attending Milwaukee Friends Meeting for the past year, where she gave a concert recently on "The Experience of Oppression and the Quest for Freedom" through Latin American Folk songs, images and stories.

photo of Julie holding guitar and smiling
Julie (Hecksel) Patchouli's Song of the Soul

Julie and Bruce Hecksel are Patchouli and 'Fast Forward Folk' is what it says on their website. Julie caught the guitar bug seeing Taj Mahal while in her teens.

photo of Raed Jarrar
Voices for Peace 2008, Part 3 - Speak for Peace, Raed Jarrar & Eugene CherryVoices for Peace 2008 took place on 9/14/8 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. This 3rd and last segment includes the speech by Raed Jarrar, a representative of the Speak for Peace tour, sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC).
Dhaivyd Hilgendorf's Song of the Soul

Dhaivyd Hilgendorf teaches at Friends School of Minnesota, a Quaker school which fits Dhaivyd's inclinations very well. He's made a wide variety of music in a wide variety of places and with a wide variety of musicians.