photo of Peter and Annie with their guitars
Peter Blood's Song of the Soul

Peter Blood and his wife, Annie, gave the world an immense gift of music with the Rise Up Singing. Peter has a passion for leading group sing-alongs, like Pete Seeger, with whom Peter Blood has worked on Seeger's autobiography. But Peter is more than music, including social change organizing, teaching religion (Quaker) and advanced practice psychiatric nursing.

cover of her CD "The Phoenix Sings at Sundown"
Susan Stark's Song of the Soul

Susan Stark is a spiritually deep and musically powerful musician. She has 4 albums behind her and one in the near future. She grew up a "preacher's kid", attended Earlham School of Religion, is the mother of 2 and the piano is her preferred instrument. Raised UCC, she's been Quaker most of her adult life.

photo of a kalimba sitting atop a drum
Mark Holdaway's Song of the Soul - Part 2 of 2

Mark Holdaway has many facets to his life including his work as a scientist and currently as a musician whose passion is centered on the Kalimba, the African Thumb Piano. From generic Christian to Born Again to Quaker, Mark's life is a tapistry of spirit and music.

Photo of Steve Chase smiling
Activating the ActivistsSteve Chase originated and serves now as the director of the Environmental Advocacy and Organizing Program in the Dept of Environmental Studies of Antioch University New England, training future generations of change-makers of all sorts. Steve's early inspiration was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, but a transforming moment is when he got kicked out his Boy Scout troop and welcomed in by Quakers - at age 13.
photo of Mark Holdaway
Mark Holdaway's Song of the Soul - Part 1 of 2

Mark Holdaway has many facets to his life including his work as a scientist and currently as a musician whose passion is centered on the Kalimba, the African Thumb Piano. From generic Christian to Born Again to Quaker, Mark's life is a tapestry of spirit and music.

Life Choice
Toward Taking Away the Occasion of Abortion - Rachel MacNair and Stan Becker

A thoughtful dialog about abortion, peace witness and care for creation. Guests are Rachel MacNair, Phd. in Psychology and undergraduate in Peace & Conflict Studies, and Stan Becker, Phd. in Demographics at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, where he is currently professor in the Dept of Population, Family and Reproductive Health.

Sr Judie (Judith Ann) Wagener - A Life of Community and Service

Judith Ann Wagener has been a School Sister of Notre Dame since 1961, a period that has seen vast changes in American society and in the Catholic Church. She started as a teacher but followed a leading into pastoral ministry over 20 years ago, for the last 9 with St James the Greater Catholic Church in Eau Claire.

Her spiritual travels have included geographical travels to Central America and Israel, trips that have widened her vision and deepened her commitment to all of god's people.

photo of Dennis Warner singing and playing guitar in concert
Dennis Warner's Song of the Soul

Singer/songwriter Dennis Warner has 8 recordings under his belt and just one children's book, Beads On One String, named for one of his songs. Dennis joined us from Chicago's Dominican University where he was invited as a performer for a New Thought conference.

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Adam Kirby's Song of the Soul

Adam Kirby is my first Rastafari guest for Song of the Soul, and it's an educational session and well as a compelling story of growth for a spiritual, but not religious, seeker. From Phoenix, Arizona, to Oregon to Eau Claire, Wisconsin, Adam walks a path of love and depth, including his work at Just Local Food and his plans to farm sustainably.

Israeli Wall
Delegation to the Middle East - Cathy Sultan, Tom Chisholm, Jason Hicks

Cathy Sultan, Tom Chisholm & Jason Hicks were recently part of a delegation to Israel/Palestine sponsored by the Interfaith Peace-Builders, witnessing first-hand the suffering and aspirations of the people both sides of the wall.

Cathy Sultan is the author of 3 books about the Middle East from a human viewpoint. Her latest release is Tragedy in South Lebanon: The Israeli-Hezbollah War of 2006. Tom Chisholm spent most of his work life as a military doctor, is a member of Veterans for Peace, and serves the Chippewa Valley as a volunteer doctor for the local free clinic. Jason Hicks has a Masters of Science in Conservation Genetics and is pursuing a career in International Conflict Resolution and Human Rights.