Mindful Methodist And Friend of Non-violence

Peace in the Precincts poster

Matt Hunter has been serving as Executive Director of FNVW- Friends for a Non-violent World for 2 1/2 years. Matt is Methodist and was dramatically turned to a belief in Jesus' nonviolent message in seminary. He's worked in South Africa around apartheid and HIV-AIDS, and worked with the homeless in Florida before coming to the Twin Cities.

Music featured:

I Sing the Mighty Power of God - Various Artists/Sunday Worship - Traditional Worship
A Good God - Cloud Cult
Bakassi Chant (Freedom Song) - SUNplugd - Sweet Afrikan Kontry Muziki

First Air Date

Matt Hunter - Mindful Methodist and Friend of Non-violence

Audio file

A short discussion of the structure, history, and purpose of FNVW
Matt describes his visit to South Africa as part of his Seminary training
An explanation of the reasons behind Matt's commitment to non-violence
Short segments from two of the songs that play during breaks in the interview
A sneak peek at the upcoming conference on non-violence in the Christian tradition, which FNVW is hosting on Halloween 2009

Broadcast Date(s)


Matt Hunter


Mark, Great job of bringing out Matt's personal spiritual development and the work that FNVW is doing.

This is a great example of the Spirit of God at work as we seek to live lives of peace. Thank you for sharing this great work! I've known Matt for many years and am so thankful for the way Matt allows God to use him.

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