Hands At Work - Iris Graville

cover of book "Hands at Work"

Hands At Work: Portraits and Profiles of People Who Work with Their Hands combines striking and intimate photography with inspiring prose to talk about work in a way is too often ignored in the USA. The book is a visual meditation to help restore the life to "making a living".

Music Featured:

Fashioned in the Clay - Sarah Stockwell
Cook With Honey - Judy Collins
Our Life Is More Than Our Work - Charlie King
I Have No Hands But Yours - Carol Johnson

First Air Date

Hands At Work - Iris Graville

Audio file

The artisans create with thier hands, the therapists use their hands to heal, and the bakers use their hands to feed people.
which is about people that create with their hands.
and how the book is about work being meaningful.
How each of the jobs is a spiritual thing for the people doing them.

Broadcast Date(s)


Iris Graville


Iris is both thoughtful and articulate in this insightful interview about her astonishingly-beautiful book. I'm delighted to know that her thinking and her work are going out to a wider world and urge listeners to go to her website and see the book for themselves.

Very inspirational and thought-provoking. Thanks, Iris and Mark.

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