photo of African woman smiling and carrying a tray on her head
Healing Racism Around The World - David & Joy ZarembkaDavid Zarembka is a tireless force behind the African Great Lakes Initiative to deal with the aftermath of the Hutu-Tutsi genocide in Rwanda. His daughter, Joy, whose mother is Kenyan, has a newly released book, "The Pigment of Your Imagination: Mixed Race in a Global Society" which explores the experiences of those of "mixed race" - including her own.
photo of sally rogers holding her dulcimer
Sally Rogers' Song of the Soul

Sally Rogers has been sharing her music with the world for at least 3 decades, has more than a dozen recordings, and some of her songs have been included in both the Unitarian and Quaker hymnals. She teaches music in Connecticut and is a singer/songwriter on weekends and in the summer.

voter at the ballot box
Stan Gruszynski - Civic Engagement

Stan served in the Wisconsin State Assembly for 10 years, championing sustainable living, farming, and more, and was a keynote speaker at the 2007 MREA Energy Fair. His passion is motivating and connection citizens with our "common wealth", the ways that we can work together for the good of all. I captured his talk at the Energy Fair and visited with him 1-on-1 afterwards.

red price tag with the words "not buying it"
Not Buying It: My Year Without ShoppingJudith did a radical experiment in "Not Buying It" - she went without shopping (beyond simple necessities) for a year. She's full of insights about and experiences with our consumer culture.
photo of Dana Tock
Dana Tock's Song of the Soul

Dana had a life-changing experience in 1991 when God gave her the first of her Christian songs, after years with secular bands. Since then she's been given more than 100 songs and will have a release concert for her first solo CD, Leap of Faith, on November 17th.

photo of Mark Morgan holding a nail gun for roofing
Mark Morgan's Song of the Soul

Mark is many things - a father, a storyteller, a sustainable living activist - and he's passionate about music. His junior high school choir even recorded 3 records! Probably best known for his work with the MREA, Mark does and teaches sustainable construction with his company, Bearpaw Design & Construction. Raised Lutheran, a stint with Unitarians, he leans toward Native American and Earth-based spirituality.

logo "a heart of forgiveness"
A Day of Forgiveness and RebirthOn September 11, 2007, the people of Eau Claire gathered at Phoenix Park to remember the events of 6 years earlier, but also to seek a way forward to a better, healed world. Take part in the music, reflection and visioning of the event on this program, including the keynote by Mike Boehm, founder of the My Lai Peace Park & Loan Fund, and other acts of reconciliation with Vietnam, Japan and Central America.
Scales of Justice
Making Eternal Judgements - Slavery, Sexism, Homophobia

Looking at the "obvious evil" of the past to help distinguish the evil we're doing now.

photo of Tom Neilson
Tom Neilson - Rebel With A CauseTom Neilson is a tireless activist for many causes - supporting the family farm, civil rights, and opposing war, among many others. He shared his songs and the causes before an audience at the 2007 FGC gathering at River Falls.
photo of Anna Fritz
Anna Fritz's Song of the Soul

Anna has played the cello since the age of 8, including issuing her cello-centric album Wake recently. She's been Quaker since around that same age, an activist with an attraction to earth-based spirituality.