logo that reads, "If you work for peace, stop paying for war"
Praying for Peace, Paying for Peace, Part Two - War Tax Resistance in Georgia and in Federal Court Part two: A visit with 2 more War Tax Resisters - individuals whose conscientious objection to war includes not only their refusal to personally fight, but their decision to also not pay for war and the military system.
War Resisters League logo
Praying for Peace, Paying for Peace, Part One - A Visit with Robin Hood and Maid MarianA discussion with 2 War Tax Resisters - individuals whose conscientious objection to war includes not only their refusal to personally fight, but their decision to also not pay for war and the military system.
album cover "Peter Alsop Fan Club Favorites"
Peter Alsop - Humor and Song as tools for growth, change and insight - Part 2 Peter Alsop does many types of work. He's an educational psychologist, a motivational speaker, recipient of 7 Best Children's Album awards, a trainer of therapists, counselors, teachers, parents and kids. He mixes humor and insight in profound, amusing and healing ways.
Speaking ONLY Truth
Speaking ONLY the Truth

Reaction to truth speaking in the context of Worship, Oaths, and Public Office.

photo of Peter smiling
Peter Alsop - Humor & Song as tools for growth, change and insight - Part 1Peter Alsop does many types of work. He's an educational psychologist, a motivational speaker, recipient of 7 Best Children's Album awards, a trainer of therapists, counselors, teachers, parents and kids. He mixes humor and insight in profound, amusing and healing ways.
photo of James Schattauer
James Schattauer's Song of the Soul

James Schattauer has been writing and performing songs since 1979 or even before, and since 1987 has used the moniker Mister Jim for his performances for children and families.

George Fox
George Fox's Breakthrough

When at wit's end, George Fox found one that could "speak to his condition".

From The Journal of George Fox.
Background music: "Immortal Love" by Mathilda Navias.


George Fox's Journal
George Fox's revealed knowledge of God & Christ

Direct experience of God without intermediary of man, priest or book.

From The Journal of George Fox.
Background music: "Julian of Norwich" by Mathilda Navias.

4 Doors to Quaker Worship
I once thought Worship was...

Reflection on our role in Worship by a deep Quaker thinker.

From "Four Doors to Quaker Worship" by William Tabor.
Background music: "When Jesus Walked Upon The Earth" by Mathilda Navias.


cover of Peter's CD
Peter Alsop's Song of the Soul, PART TWO

Peter Alsop has produced dozens of recordings over the past few decades, specializing in "Children's Music" - often aimed equally at adults - for more than 20 years. He's an educational psychologist, a motivational speaker, recipient of awards for Best Children's Album, a dad, and a deep, serious and humorous songwriter.