Back on April 22nd, also known as Earth Day 2007, the Eau Claire Friends Meeting organized, Unity Christ Center of Eau Claire hosted and the Sierra Club and the Shalom Mennonite Church co-sponsored an Earth Banquet Potluck and Community Earth Singalong. About 40 hearty voices showed up and lifted up song of their souls for the Earth. It was all done without practice and with low-tech recording methods, but with immense joy.
Catherine Price is southern born and raised with a hobo's heart and deep affection for many types of music, including, currently, country swing. She was raised Southern Baptist, served in the Peace Corps and ended up a Quaker, all of it with a deep connection to music.
Diana was "unchurched" growing up, but has found deep connection in spiritual community (with room for her wide horizons) among Unitarian Universalists. Recent years have led her to an extremely fulfilling entry into engagement with Native American wisdom, an approach called the Medicine Way.
Tom Neilson has been making folk music for a few decades now, combining his passion for music with his desire to make a positive difference in the world. His music confronts the problems of the world, but it also embraces the farm folk he grew up with, the nurture of family, and laughs at the funny things in the world.
Tom Neilson has been making folk music for a few decades now, combining his passion for music with his desire to make a positive difference in the world. His music confronts the problems of the world, but it also embraces the farm folk he grew up with, the nurture of family, and laughs at the funny things in the world.