PLC - Milwaukee
Peace Learning Center of MilwaukeeThe Peace Learning Center (PLC) of Milwaukee started out in 2002 teaching the 4th graders of one school vital skills of non-violent conflict resolution. Based on a tremendously successful, city-wide project in Indianapolis, Milwaukee's PLC has grown rapidly, now teaching peace skills to 16 schools, with more projects on the way.
cover from Peter Alsop's CD showing him riding a see-saw
Peter Alsop's Song of the Soul, PART ONE

Peter Alsop has produced dozens of recordings over the past few decades, specializing in "Children's Music" - often aimed equally at adults - for more than 20 years. He's an educational psychologist, a motivational speaker, recipient of awards for Best Children's Album, a dad, and a deep, serious and humorous songwriter.

photo of some of the children Mike helped
Mike Boehm - Vietnam Peace Park and Loan Fund Mike Boehm was angry after the Vietnam War, a war for which he volunteered, as he learned of the deceipt and injustice that were part of that war. After a retreat from society, he found a new and powerful calling as he became the leading force toward establishment of 2 peace parks and many micro-credit loan funds to heal some of the wounds of the war, both for Americans and Vietnamese.
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Wild Foods and The Forager's Harvest

Sam Thayer Price is perhaps the Midwest's preeminent expert on wild foods and foraging. With a wide-ranging intellect and a spirit-deep passion, Sam preaches a gospel of connection to the Earth and to the life around us. His new book, The Forager's Harvest is available from Sam's web site,

Raised Catholic and a Quaker now, Sam has a concern for conservation or environmentalism that is integral to his sensitivity for peace and justice. Sam offers workshops and retreats about wild food and foraging throughout the Midwest and beyond, the schedule for which is available on his web site.

Sam is newly married, taking the family name of his wife, Melissa Price, as his own surname.

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Cyndi Bradbury's Song of the Soul

Cyndi Bradbury has a passion for music that she lives out each weekday in her profession of music therapist, and each weekend as the music director for Plymouth Congregational UCC. Cindy loves animals and the outdoors, being a bit silly and conveying caring through her music.

photo of Viet Nam Veterans' Memorial
Vietnam Vet, Recovering Alcoholic and Russian Sojourn

Pete Wagener spoke at the 2006 Veterans Day event sponsored by the Veterans for Peace. His stories about what he learned in his 4 years with the Marines, in facing his alcoholism, and in the course of the 5 years he spent in Russia, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, are personal and powerful.

Pete was affected foremost by his own, personal experiences in the military, but he also credits the writings of a highly decorated Marine Major General Smedley Butler with influencing his drift into criticism of war.

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Sara Bryan's Song of the Soul

Sara's spiritual journey might be seen as an upward spiral of sorts. She grew up in a couple different very conservative Lutheran churches which, as it developed, did not fit her well. Her exploration as a young adult took to Unity for some years, then to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation, and then back to St John's Lutheran Church, this time of the ELCA flavor. Among the other expessions of her spirit, Sara leads weekly Soul Dance in Eau Claire

group photo of students with founders
The Hope Fund for Palestinian StudentsA visit with the founder of The Hope Fund, a project to help connect promising, but poor, young people from the Palestinian refugee camps with special college scholarships here in the USA. Fahim Qubain, himself raised in the Middle East, found his way up via the education he received at the Ramallah Friends School in, at that time, Palestine, graduating in 1942. He labors on, diligently and remarkably, at the age of 82.
photo of Annie Patterson on her album cover
Annie Patterson's Song of the Soul

Annie Patterson is a thorough music lover, maker and sharer, with many years experience performing music in coffeehouses, clubs and festivals and with a swing group called Big Nite Out and Girls From Mars. Annie was raised Methodist, but felt, even in her teens, a tug toward the Divine presence available in silence, an attraction that led her to Quakers as an adult.

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Justin Otto's SECOND Song of the Soul

Justin Otto shared his first "Song of the Soul" about a year ago, and since then he's graduated from UWEC, got a social work job, and gone through a spiritual crisis, leading him to a stage in his spiritual journey.