Jori Lewis
Slaves for Peanuts - An Epic Story of Plants, People, & Culture in West Africa

Jori Lewis is the author of Slaves for Peanuts: A Story of Conquest, Liberation, and a Crop That Changed History. Jori explores culture, history, environment, economic systems, religion, and slavery in its West African context, opening our eyes to the way the world really has worked & is working still. Jori is masterful story-teller, conveying the facts faithfully, but giving us an experience of the people & events that evokes the same connection and feelings of epic poems, like those of the griots/bards of West Africa tradition.

Mr and Mrs Kaleb Christensen
The Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints and Climate Climate In today’s show we hear from Conservatives who are concerned about climate change. Not only are they concerned, they are engaged in meaningful action. Hannah Rogers, Trevor Jones, and Kaleb Christensen are three young people with ties to the State of Utah who are part of a growing movement in that State. They are each members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Fusing faith, hope, love for humanity and all nature, these young Conservative Christians are finding their places in the climate movement. 
Everyday Nonviolence Logo
The Eagle's Healing Nest & Man Forward - from the Everyday Nonviolence Podcast

Charlotte Sebastian of Friends for a Nonviolent World and their Everyday Nonviolence Podcast guest-hosts today for Spirit In Action, sharing portions from 2 episodes of the podcast. The first explores the extraordinary work being done by the Eagle’s Healing Nest, an organization located in Sauk Center, MN, dedicated to serving veterans dealing with “the invisible wounds of war”. Host Ellery McCardle speaks with Melony Butler, Founder, Chair and Director; Mike Dunfe, a former resident; and Alec Embree, who currently lives at “The Nest”. In part 2, Jon Vang was interviewed by Joann Perry about his work as an activist with Man Forward.

Andrew Calhoun
Channeling Scotch-Irish Folk Music, Spirituals, and More

Andrew Calhoun is the real deal, applying all the skill & integrity needed to faithfully channel folk songs & folk culture through his dancing, delightful guitar, but also his deep & evocative voice. With loads of recordings over the decades, he's distinguished himself through Scotch-Irish songs and his African-American spirituals. He lives just outside of Chicago, IL.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Atheist, Non-affiliated, Native American, Christianity, Jewish, Black-American Spirituality

Citizens' Climate Radio May 2022 Compilation
Climate and Christians, Comedians, & Classy Music

Peterson Toscano of Citizens' Climate Radio guest-hosts today, and he brings some amazing, inspiring, & insightful guests with him, among them: Caroline Harmon of Christian Climate Action, Sophie and Josie Davis, fighting for climate sanity as founders of the Halcyon String Quartet, and Esteban Gast and his show Comedians

MG Bailey
One Man in a One Man Band - MG Bailey

MG Bailey joins us today for SOS. MG is not only a One Man Band, playing simultaneously with hands and feet, while singing, he's a not-in-anyone's box kind of man. Authenticity & creativity mix fruitfully in MG's music, with ideas, stories, and images that stretch us out of our conventional expectations & storylines. There's beautiful guitar & other instruments, all played by MG, but mostly you can't listen to these songs without feeling you're glimpsing beyond the veil of your own reality.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Catholic, Non-affiliated, Christian

Andrew Fiala
Tyranny, Plato, Trump, & Nonviolence with Andrew Fiala

Our main topics today are tyranny & nonviolence. Andrew Fiala is Professor of Philosophy & also director of the Ethics Center at Cal State Fresno.

Ann Reed
The Smiling & Healing 12-string of Ann Reed

Ann Reed is a rich & wonderful source of music, stories, and even a book now - check out Citizens of Campbell. She's been a mainstay of the women's and folk music scene in the Twin Cities of MN area for 40 years now, having produced some 24 albums. With her 12-string guitar, Ann can conjure the deepest heart connection, and she can also make us grin with a story or a clever line about RBG or the State Fair. Her music also heals people through the COMPAS Artful Aging Program, and she elicits the stories of women over 60 with her Life Gets Real podcast.

Lucas Silva & Patricia Stansbury
Afro-Colombian Music with Palenque Records/Lucas Silva via Groundswell

We'll dive deep in the Afro-Colombian music of Lucas Silva, pioneer of Champeta. Founder of Palenque Records (or on Facebook) via today's guest-host Patricia Stansbury (AKA Sunny Gardener). Patricia originally broadcast this interview last month as part of her Groundswell show on WRIR - Richmond Independent Radio.

Pets, African Wildlife, and Climate ChangeIn this episode you will hear a lively conversation between our host, Peterson Toscano, and four South African veterinarians. Like many climate advocates, Peterson couldn’t help himself, and asked Kristine and Roy Page along with their friends and fellow veterinarians Adrian and Ashleigh Tordiffe about climate change in South Africa and how it is affecting household pets and wild animals.