Sofia Talvik
Sweden's Best Americana Heart-strings

Sofia Talvik self-describes as “Americana/Folk with Swedish Roots”, and it's so much better and wonderful than that can conjure. With the voice of an angel, she can play the strings of our hearts. Sofia has toured extensively in the US, though she lives mostly in Germany these days, where she makes music as part of the German/Swedish folk duo Hansan, combining Sofia and David Floer. Yes, she emits sparkle, and yes, she can pour out melancholy, but the full package mixes these extremes and more to produce some of the sweetest, most touching music of our day.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Non-affiliated

Steve Chase
Fighting Agents Provocateurs Nonviolently

Steve Chase has been involved with impressive and world-changing activism all of his adult life. He has his PhD in Environmental Studies from Antioch University, where he also taught for 15 years, after first working as an editor and writer for the More Than Money Journal. He was director of education at the Pendle Hill Quaker retreat center for 2 years, worked at the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC) for 4 years, and is now Assistant Director of Solidarity 2020 and Beyond.

Midwives: Beautiful, Splendid Leaders of Resistance -- Exodus 1:15-21We begin the new year, in 2022, with a close reading of the story of the midwives in Exodus 1: 15-21. Liam offers us an invitation to recognize Shifrah and Puah as revolutionary resistors and so much more: namely, co-creators with G-d, The Potter of earthen vessels. Along the way, Liam and Don offer, for our consideration, the idea that we are all potentially midwives of a sort. Even, perhaps, revolutionaries. Following their discussion of the story - including thoughts about changing diapers, and digging up mud for throwing clay - Don offers another text. 
Flannery Winchester, Citizens Climate Lobby
An English Major’s Unexpected Journey into Creative Climate AdvocacyDeciding what one wants to do and be in life has often been hard for young people in high school and college. Now with a global pandemic in a time of climate change, it is more difficult than ever to answer the questions, What do you want to be when you grow up? Many graduation speeches exhort us to Pursue our Passions, and many a parent worry that such a pursuit will lead their child into a jobless future.
Joe Troop and friend
Latingrass & Artivism – Joe Troop Delivers

Joe Troop introduced a new form of music called Latingrass, a combination of music from Joe's homeland, in the lower Appalachian mountains, with the tones and tunes of the Andes in South America. He also refers to himself by another new word, artivist, a combination of his musical art and his activist passions. Joe Troop was born with bones that resonated with music, grew into a banjophile, and found delicious riches of culture and humanity while living in Spain, Japan, and most recently, Argentina. Whether he has been making music with Diego Sánchez, Che Apalache, or on his own, Joe's songs, strings, and voice, will stir your heart and head. Joe Troop currently lives in Durham, NC.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Moravian, Non-affiliated

Abigail Dowd
Sparkling Diamond from NC – Abigail Dowd

Abigail Dowd's songs are rich deeply connected to both folk/Americana music, and to spirit-tinged lyrics, making her the perfect Song of the Soul guest. You'll also immediately hear Abigail Dowd's North Carolina accent, and you'll hear the voice of an angel poet in the same moment. Both of Abigail's parents were musicians, her grandfather combined a barber shop and music shop – a shop, by the way, where it is said that Keith Richards bought guitar strings – so she seemed destined to a life of making music. You'll surely be enchanted by Abigail's stories and tunes, and be tempted in the instant to head down to Greensboro, NC, to get more.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Pentecostal, Methodist, Presbyterian, Buddhist, Meditation, Yoga

Logo of Braver Angels
Building a House United Takes Braver Angels

With the threat of internal turmoil or even civil war possible in the US due to red/blue polarization, especially since 2016, the Braver Angels project and organization was founded. Their mission? “We bring Americans together to bridge the partisan divide and strengthen our democratic republic.” It's a tall order in these tense times, but Braver Angels is bringing great energy, dedication, and tools to the work.

Annie Patterson and Peter Blood
Heal My Heart Mid-winter Concert

A rich mid-winter concert of songs of faith & hope by Annie Patterson & Peter Blood, the creators of the world-renowned group-singing songbooks Rise Up Singing, and Rise Again. Performed live on Zoom on 12/11/2021, Annie & Peter share songs & stories of their personal spiritual journeys. They have nurtured music and singing the world-over with their songbooks, recordings, & performances.

Michael R. J. Roth
Digging In The Ruins of Our Age With Michael R.J. Roth

Michael R. J. Roth writes his songs on the deep end of the meaning pool, and his tone has the same depth, so that some have called him a cool dark troubadour. His voice ranges, sometimes recalling the tones of a Gordon Lightfoot or a Johnny Cash, and sometimes a bit of John Prine. But what's especially wonderful is how after retirement from a number of professions, including that of a diplomat, Michael launched into full-time music production around 65, and he's put out more than 9 albums to date. After years living & working around the globe (including Cameroon, West Africa) and a lot of time in Washington DC, Michael calls Rio Rancho, NM home.

Past/Present Religious/Spiritual Influences: Zen Buddhism, Transcendental Meditation, Catholic, Non-denominational, Evangelical Christian

Jesus and the Glory Seekers: Mark 10: 35-45For his December Bash, Don takes a close and insightful look at Mark’s gospel and Jesus’ interactions with James and John, who wish to be seated at Jesus’ side and share in his glory. Or, so they say when they ask Jesus to do something for them.  In his reading, Don peels back the layers of this story to expose what appears to be a first-century, discipleship power-grab. And, of course, Don has some thoughts about this, as well as Jesus’ revealing response to James and John.