Peterson Toscano
Ep 29 Truth, Fact, and Cli-Fi

When telling climate change stories, truth is more important than facts. Host, Peterson Toscano shares his own bizarre climate change coming out story. Like many people, he was aware of climate change, but it never hit him in the heart or the gut--until one day. Moving, funny, and unexpected, his awakening came when climate change hit him and his Italian-American/South African family close to home. In addition to telling how he woke up to the reality of climate change, he shares listeners' responses to the Puzzler Question—What Does Climate Change Mean to You?

Howard Switzer
A New Money Story

Howard Switzer speaks powerfully on the need for monetary reform stemming from learning & connection with the American Monetary Institute and the Alliance for Just Money. Howard's passion for dealing with the shortcomings of our money system stems significantly from his decades of work as an eco-architect with Earth & Straw Design, his work with The Farm Ecovillage Training Center, and his work for peace & justice.

Shawn Gallaway
The Light Has Won

Shawn Gallaway is a minstrel of health, wholeness, hope, & love, a message and mission that opened its stride to cover more of the Earth with his anthem, I Choose Love. His music is soul-deep, a power conveyed clearly through his crystal vocals and heart-opening lyrics. Shawn is a long-time resident of Nashville emanating his Transformational Music across the country and world. He was a top-ten finalist in the 2017 Songs For Social Change contest featured by

Matthew Walker-Poet, Playwright, NonViolent Practitioner

Matthew Walker shares his journey to find nonviolence while taking an Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) workshop.

Music generously donated by

Strong & Unrecognized: The Lumbee Indians

Malinda Maynor Lowery's new book is The Lumbee Indians: An American Struggle. Malinda is Associate Professor of History at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and is also a member of the Lumbee Tribe, the largest Native American tribe east of the Mississippi River. Malinda gives a glimpse of the rich Lumbee history and their on-going struggle for federal recognition of their nation.

Jason Horowitz
Whiskey & Resistance

Jason Horowitz of The Whiskey Farm penned the tune that beat out 100's of competitors to win the Songs for Social Change 2017 contest. Weekdays he's mild-mannered child psychologist Dr. Horowitz, but on stage he and the other musicians of The Whiskey Farm exert superpowers of joy, healing, & transformation through Americana music flavored with country, rock, & bluegrass highlights.

John Peck
Transforming Economics & Defending Family Farms

John Peck is Executive Director of Family Farm Defenders, which supports sustainable agriculture, farm worker rights, animal welfare, consumer safety, fair trade, & food sovereignty. In addition, John teaches Economics "against the text" and also Environmental Studies at Madison College, runs a farm, does poetry, and thinks deeply.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Catholic Worker, Pagan, Unitarian Universalist

Lies My Teacher Told Me About Racism

Essential parts of our history have been willfully suppressed & ignored, but we can only be the best nation we can be by facing the facts - alternative facts won’t do. That has been the work of sociologist, historian, writer and teacher James Loewen. His work has included ground-breaking research about racism where & when we haven't acknowledged it, in the Sundown Towns outside of the traditional South, and his analysis of the failings of our history curriculum, Lies My Teacher Told Me.

Amanda Udis Kessler
A Blessing From EverySoul

Amanda Udis-Kessler is part of EverySoul, and their music has a message, often a counterpoint to narrow, doctrinaire, theology and thought. Having explored the highways & byways of the religious & spiritual world, Amanda identifies as Unitarian-Universalist, appreciating diverse points of view, but strongly rooting in love & hope. Her song, The Difference, was a finalist in the Songs for Social Change 2017 of She is Director of Assessment and Program Review at Colorado College.

Tara Button
A Life Less Throwaway

Tara Button is the founder of which helps connect people to durable, dependable, well-designed & built products, to live sustainably. Her new book is A Life Less Throwaway: The Lost Art of Buying for Life, and it provides a wealth of info & exercises to help people find the optimal material life for themselves.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Catholic, Sunday Assembly