Iris Graville
Hiking Naked

Iris Graville is an author, book artist, and a former nurse. Her memoir, Hiking Naked: A Quaker Woman's Search for Balance shares her quest for meaningful & life-balancing work. The journey took Iris & her family far off the grid, radically exploring simplified living, freeing her to find her own answers to the big questions, less controlled by society's prompting.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Lutheran, Methodist, Quaker 

Pam Follows the Manure

Pam Taylor's work with Environmentally Concerned Citizens of South Central Michigan is an inspiring example of citizen-driven environmentalism which informs & guides govt with feet firmly rooted in both agrarian living & scientific scrutiny. NoCAFOs is her goal, sustainable agriculture is her means, and good neighbor living her ethic. She's a big fan of Wendall Berry agrarian living, She received the 2016 Petoskey Prize from the Michigan Environmental Council

Robert Jones
Blues Preacher from Motown

A deep dish of appetizing Blues from the Rev. Robert B. Jones, Sr. He's made music and shared the stage with many of the greats, like B.B. King, because he's a gifted musician, writer & storyteller. Robert also shares & writes many varieties of Americana music, like that which he performs with Matt Watroba and others. Also important is Robert's role as pastor of the Sweet Kingdom Missionary Baptist Church in Detroit.

Conversations with the Other

J.E. McNeil has powerful points of view, but she also has a profound devotion to communication and unity, skills and attributes fostered by the Conversations with the Other trainings she presents widely.

Kitty Donohoe
Not Your Standard Irish Lass (From Ann Arbor)

Kitty Donohoe is of Irish extraction, genetically, and she sometimes writes & plays very Irish-sounding songs, including the Irish instruments she plays, but she is deeply & inspirationally Americana, touching the heart & soul with evocative tunes & magical lyrics. One of the founding members of The Yellow Room Gang, Kitty plays & has played in numerous variations on personel & style, including as part of Pub Domain and The Biddies.

Sami Rasouli
Back In Iraq With Sami Rasouli

Sami Rasouli came to the USA in 1976, returning to Iraq after the US invasion, where he was founder of the Muslim Peacemaker Teams. Sami shares a very different perspective of the cause and effect of the US invasion of Iraq, due to his vantage point on the ground in the country, and has put his life at the service of peace and healing for his country of birth.

They are looking for volunteers who want to spend time in Iraq, hosted free, to increase mutual understanding. Check out their Iraqi & American Reconciliation Project (IARP).

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:


Kyle White
Glass City Class: Kyle White Is Wholly Toledo Americana

Some performers just steal your heart, and that's what Kyle White does as a genuine Toledo, Ohio, hometown Americana singer/songwriter. Her authenticity and talent shine through. Find Kyle's schedule on Facebook and see some videos on her YouTube channel.

Ep 25 Race, Pollution, and Justice w/ Brentin Mock, Dr. Natasha DeJarnett, Tyree Daye

After 10 years of reporting on race, culture, and civil rights, Brentin Mock embraced environmental issues as his new beat. That was in 2008. He has since become a leading voice highlighting environmental racism in America.  He speaks with Citizens Climate Radio host, Peterson Toscano about pollution, segregation, asthma, and mobility. Brentin also speaks candidly about failures of predominately white environmental organizations that attempt to reach out to people of color.

Billie Holiday's World

Billie Holiday still looms larger than life even close to 60 years after her death. At the nexus of complicated subjects like race, drugs, sexuality, & music, she acts as a compelling subject for those seeking to understand our society's trajectory, especially when religion is added as a layer to the experience. The Religion Around series seeks to look deeply into the relationships around our most evocative individuals, so it is no surprise that Penn State University Press asked Tracy Fessenden, interim director of the School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies at Arizona State University, to write Religion Around Billie Holiday, or that the scrutiny yields Strange Fruit.

Scraps to Riches: Community Composting

Small entrepreneurs across the country are making a living and strengthening local food systems by composting food waste locally.  We get down to the nitty gritty with three community composters, a soil scientist and composting advocates about the benefits of diverting food from landfills.