How Corporations are Remaking America

One of the most informative & persuasive writers ever, Gordon Lafer is author of The One Percent Solution: How Corporations are Remaking America One State At A Time. Both empowering & maddening, the piercing exposé of the destruction of labor & the middle class by moneyed interests is essential to mounting an effective reply. Gordon Lafer is a political economist and Associate Professor at the Labor Education and Research Center of the University of Oregon in Eugene.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:


Story-teller, Advocate or Rebel

All ages, all personalities, all disciplines have their roles in world-healing. Peterson Toscano of Citizen's Climate Radio is host today, speaking with all kinds of folks, including an environmental engineer in the Caribbean, Dr. Hugh Sealy, 14-year old climate change advocate Adia Samba-Quee, social change activist & teacher Eileen Flanagan, college-age volunteer lobbyist Amani Thurman, & master story-teller Aaron Thier.

Jean Rohe
Road to Arise! Arise!

Jean Rohe has created an alternate (and much better) National Anthem: Arise! Arise! and she shares the songs from the US, Cuba, Brazil, & Republic of Georgia that got her there. She'll share much more of her own music on her next Song of the Soul visit.

Michael Hough
Well Met Howling Moon

Michael Hough has been making music with Mustard's Retreat since 1974, and as part of The Yellow Room Gang for the past decade. Michael is honest. He's straightforward. He's got a good heart. And he's talented. You will surely find both depth & enjoyment in his songs.

Charlene Burns

Some things just beg to be called evil, and when we see them we cry out "Why?" Charlene Embrey Burns traces 1000's of years of answers to that question in 
Christian Understandings of Evil: The Historical Trajectory, and talks of her grappling with evil in both personal and wider religious experience.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:

Buddhism, Episcopalian, Meditation, UCC - United Church of Christ 

Liam Hooper
Trans Dude in NC

North Carolina in 2017 is surely not the most welcoming place for a trans guy, yet it's where Liam Hooper is doing the work he's called to do. As Minister of Welcome & Beyond at Parkway UCC, Winston Salem, NC, Liam delivers a message of inclusion and strength to government, institutions, and individuals all around the state, rabble-rousing, preaching, and lecturing to make a difference.

Billy Jonas
Neo-tribal Hootenanny

Billy Jonas is more fun and spiritual depth than you can hardly imagine. Sometimes described as doing neo-tribal hootenanny, industrial re-percussion, and soul-spelunking, he started as part of the Oberlin College Big Bang Theory performance art collective, was part of The Billys, sometimes shares as part of the Abraham Jam, and is at the core of the Billy Jonas Band.

Citizens Climate Radio Ep 11 Engineering SolutionsHow do some people land on a path that leads them to climate action? Host, Peterson Toscano explores this question by featuring two passionate climate advocactes. Dr. Hugh Sealy, is an environmental engineer in the Caribbean. He has influenced environmental policy in Barbados, Grenda, St. Lucia, and Dominica. In addition to his work in helping low-lying island nations in a time of climate change, Dr. Sealy also served as a member of the Clean Development Mechanism or CDM for the UN Framework on Climate Change. He shares some of his story, discusses the CDM carbon pricing. Adia Samba-Quee, is just begining her career as a climate advocate. A 14 year old student in Springfield, MA, Adia makes connection between local pollution, asthma, and climate action. She hopes to use comedy to engage people in deeper conversations about climate.
Joe Luginbill
The Vulnerable, Smile House, & Joe Luginbill

Joe Luginbill is a prodigy and unstoppable dynamo. As Eau Claire's youngest ever elected official, he joined the school board at 20, powerfully influencing policies on transgender, homeless, sustainability issues, and much more. Strong, young, local, progressive officials are crucial in healing our nation, and Joe stands high among them. With a special leading to create a safety net or launching pad for young people with few or no other good options, he has established the Luginbill's Children Foundation, including a transitional home for youth called Smile House. Joe has also created a book, Chip the Cat Goes to Bat and has many other projects on the burner, promising to protect and enrich the most vulnerable youth of our society.

Kim Callinan
End-of-life, Compassion, & Choices

Kim Callinan is Chief Program Officer of Compassion & Choices, an organization that works for and attempts to empower personal choice in end-of-life decisions. After Oregon approved the Death With Dignity Act in 1997, other states have continued and advanced the ways in which medical consumers were put in control of their own life decisions. The latest initiative by Compassion & Choices is Truth In Treatment. Kim Callinan's degrees include government, public policy, & public health, and she clearly works in the field of her passion.