Wooden Frame Placeholder
3 Standing Rocks

Three strong men among the thousands led to the confrontation with the DAPL (Dakota Access Pipeline) at Standing Rock. Myron Buchholz was born & raised in North Dakota, and both Ash Kyrie & Kevin Basl felt called to join the Oceti Sakowin Camp for a variety of reasons, including as part of the Veterans Stand.

Read Kevin Basl's Op Ed, find about 2 of the groups he works with, Warrior Writers and Combat Paper NJ.

Jim Bizer
Knowing What The River Knows

Jim Bizer is a profound, engaging, talented lyricist, singer, & musician whose songs speak of our connection and the mind-blowing reality we live in. It's folk with some jazz touches, joyful with scattered clouds, deep with occasional dancing on the surface. Jim also performs frequently as part of a duo with Jan Krist, as part of the Yellow Room Gang and as a part of Floyd King and the Bushwhackers.

Aryan Uprety
Nepal to the Marshall Islands

We like to share perspectives from many parts of the world through the guests on our podcast. In today's show Peterson Toscano interviews two men from two very different climates and cultures. Still they have some real similarities.

Dawn Morningstar
Venerable Women

Today's topic is Venerable Women: Transform Ourselves, Transform the World, a book and work into which Dawn Morningstar was launched by a statement by the Dalai Lama, "The world will be saved by the Western woman". As a Master Coach from Learning Journeys, a former DJ in the Twin Cities on a show called Delicious Conversations, and as a passionate advocate for love, light and laughter, Dawn seeks healing & strength for a better world.

Those in the Twin Cities area can see & hear Dawn in person at Breakaway Arts Cafe, on Feb 9, 2017 at 7 PM, and where, on Sat Feb 10, you'll also see a previous Song of the Soul guest and writer of the Venerable Women theme song, Gina Citoli.

Alternative Christmas in January

Christmas songs you probably didn't hear leading up to December 25th - but which would have made the season so much more rewarding and meaningful. Instead of the old standards, how about new standards, but lesser-known, extremely wonderful musicians? Peace, justice, & growth at a dark time, growing lighter.

Free & Charitable Doctor

Aaron Dunn makes the world a better place as co-founder & medical director of Community Connections Free Clinic in Dodgeville, WI, through his use of Integrative Medicine, and with the music he makes as part of the PointFiveBand.com. What's not to love in such a free & charitable doctor?

Wisconsin Assn of Free & Charitable Clinics, and around the country there's The Natl Assoc of Free & Charitable Clinics

Featured Music
Tell Topeka - by PointFiveBand.com

Speaking Both NPR and NASCAR

A visit with Texas-raised attorney J.E. McNeil about the need to hear each other beyond the liberal/conservative, urban/rural, ivory tower/commonfolk divides, what holds us back, and how to bridge the gap. J.E. is the former executive director of the Center on Conscience & War and author of a review of the book Dark Money in Friends Journal. Also part of this discussion with J.E. is mention of the Western Friend article by Tom Head about corporations, including the new "B Corp" classification.

Peace On Earth, Good Will To All

Many may be sick of the interminable string of Christmas music, but they might feel quite differently if they had been hearing these songs - seasonal music by relatively popular, mostly folk, artists that speak for a better world, performers like John Lennon, Dar Williams, Cris Williamson, John McCutcheon, John Prine, Emmylou Harris, Steve Earle, & Louden Wainwright III.

Chandler Green
A Conservative Approach to Climate

When addressing climate change, we need all hands on deck including citizens and lawmakers who are politically conservative. Host, Peterson Toscano interviews Chandler Green, a graduate student at American University researching strategic communications. Chandler shares her insights about climate communication and the need for Republican voices in the USA.

Chippewa Valley Earth Keepers

The dramatic events at the Standing Rock Reservation are inspiring support for the work there, but also in many places across the country where the same kind of work is needed to care for our land, water, & future. The Chippewa Valley Earth Keepers (CVEK) were birthed in September, 2016, and have hit the ground running, making both practical and inspirational differences for our Earth, and core members Mary & Rob share the growing story of CVEK.