Marshall Saunders & Mark Reynolds
Beginnings and Transformations

Welcome to the first episode of Citizens’ Climate Radio. In this podcast we highlight people’s stories, we celebrate your successes, and together we share strategies for talking about climate change.

Kate MacLeod
Western Soul Landscapes

Kate MacLeod was East Coast born, but Utah settled, capturing the beauty & stories of the Western landscape in her songs. With her powerful fiddle and magical voice, Kate transports everyone into the realities she's read and experienced.

Jan Krist
With Tarzan, Jesus, & Jim

Jan Krist creates stunning songs of the human condition, sometimes with deep pathos, sometimes with a wry eye, always with superb lyrics and voice. She often takes the stage solo, but also commonly with Jim Bizer, and sometimes with the Yellow Room Gang.

Mindy Dillard
Musical Alchemist & Lunchroom Royalty

Mindy Dillard is so many things, besides being an enchanting singer/songwriter. She's a Musical Alchemist, Body Image Activist, and sometimes she's Princess Fearless. And that's just a start. She created a one-woman folk rock opera called How to Survive a Poison Apple, combining mythological scholarship and soul-deep whimsy. She operates out of Salt Lake City, Utah.

Paula Palmer
Toward Right Relationship with America's Native Peoples

Paula Palmer is leading an effort to tackle one part of America's dismal past with respect to Native Americans. Through a project called Toward Right Relationship with America's Native Peoples, she is engaging Quakers and the wider world in a kind of Truth & Reconciliation work. One step is an eyes-wide-open look at the well-meaning attrocities done by the Indian Boarding Schools and the groups, like Quakers, who led the effort.

George Lakey
Viking Economics

George Lakey really packs a punch with his book, Viking Economics: How the Scandinavians Got It Right - And How We Can Too. Exploring the history and power of the "Nordic Model" for economic development and truly democratic government, George lights a way forward to a much better USA, in schools, health, foreign policy, and more.

Erika Kulnys
Roaring for a Revolution

Erika Kulnys is out to change the world, sometimes by tackling the "big issues", but also by inspiring the listener to heal themselves and therefore get out of the way of change. Operating from Nova Scotia, and with an enchanting voice, piercing lyrics, and great instrumentation, Erika takes the heart and soul flying into a better future.

Annie Capps
The Blue Garden of Midwest Urban Folk

The voice of Annie Capps transports the listener on a tour of her Midwest Urban Folk Blue Garden, filled with twang, jazz, soul,& hoochy coo flora, and more. With exquisite instrumentation by Rod Capps and others, Annie's songs are moving, joyful, fun, and powerful. Radiating from Michigan, Annie Capps shines a rich bouquet of music across the nation.

Peter Leidy
Inclusion, Justice, Politics, Home, & A Guitar

Peter Leidy does his work of building inclusion predominantly in the area of disabilities, and with considerable creativity, often writing new songs or crafting new lyrics for existing tunes to tell a story or convey a lesson. Whether the topic is disabilities or social justice, or politics or a sense of home, Peter brings tremendous wit and deep passion to the teachable moment.

Featured Music:

Rhonda Rucker
Camp A Little While In The Wilderness

Rhonda Rucker is most often heard performing as part of Sparky & Rhonda, with a strong flavor of Southern Appalachian music, but also Civil Rights folk music, old hymns, and a number of songs by Rhonda. She was a medical doctor for 5 years, cares deeply about our Earth, and her writings include a recent novel called Swing Low, Sweet Harriet.