John Greenler
Researching Sustainability: The GLBRC & Wisconsin Energy Institute

John Greenler is part of 2 institutions looking for energy ways forward in Wisconsin, the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center and the Wisconsin Energy Institute, where John works as director of education & outreach. In addition to these professional roles, John is co-owner of a CSA called Zephyr Farm, which keeps him grounded in hands-on sustainable alternatives as well.

Peter Alsop
Sex & Sexuality, Part 2

More insights & music from Peter Alsop on sex, sex roles, sexuality, & relationships, using humor and creativity to shine a light on our society's too-little-examined wounds, presumptions, and possibilities of health & balance.

All the songs in this program are written & performed by Peter Alsop:
Hopelessly Heterosexual
You Ain't Been Doin' Nothin' If They Haven't Called You Gay - modified from song by Ted Judd
Good Time
Man Oh Man I Can
My Secret>
Look at the Ceiling
Love Is the Only Medicine

White Pines
White Pines Open Mic

A different format for Song of the Soul - we sit in on the quarterly open-mic experience known as White Pines. In a low-tech, high-personality event, folks come out to share their down-home skills and creativity for a special community-building opportunity, 26 years into its life. The winter solstice event, actually held on 1/7/2016, MC'd by Bryce Black in the beautiful building of Simply Dunn/Dunn County Pottery host John Thomas, this kind of evening deepens the soul of a community.


photo of Peter smiling
Sex & Sexuality, Part 1

Peter Alsop has the wit & talent to discuss tough topics in a way that can open eyes & change minds. Today & next week he'll talk with us about love, sex, sex roles, sexuality and more. Peter is a great combination of deep thinker & musician, humorous & creative lyricist, and educational psychologist. Among other places, find this songs in the video of Alsop for Adults Concert: Peter's Song on Love, Sex & Gender.

All the songs in this program are written & performed by Peter Alsop:

It's Only A Wee-Wee
Let The Woman In You Come Through
Baby Needs a parent
Don't Put Your Hand In My Pants
My Body

Deirdre Jenkins
One Wild Thing

Many people find an important piece of themselves in nature, but Deirdre Jenkins knows herself in oneness with nature at a whole new depth. Through her journeys with trauma, devotion, and remembering-the-self, Deirdre produces music that transports and transforms the listener. Contact her on Facebook.

James Handley
Stout-hearted Peace Studies at the UW

There's a young Peace Studies program at UW-Stout, where we talk to Senior Lecturer in Peace Studies and Geography, James Handley, a current student, Emma Kornack, and a Peace Studies graduate and Americorps volunteer, Shelby Schuppe. What does the program teach, and what changes does it bring about, in students and in the community?

Music Featured:

Christmas in the Trenches - John McCutcheon

Paris Conference
On Climate Change and the Earth's Stewardship

Pastor David Huber reflects on the recent Paris Climate Conference, and what it means for our obligation to be stewards of the Earth.

Bill Nye & Ken Ham
On Evolution

Pastor David Huber reflects on the 2014 debate over evolution between Bill Nye and Ken Ham, and discusses the relationship between science and faith.

Christmas Tree
A Perfectly Imperfect Christmas

Pastor David Huber shares his take on the true meaning of Christmas: Presence, not Presents.

Erin LaFaive
Plants & Well-being

Erin LaFaive is passionate about plants and the vital role they play in our health and will-being, and she shares her passion and knowledge in several ways, including through Full Circle Herbals. She also works days as horticultural educator with Eau Claire County UW Extension. Combining science nerd inclinations with Earth-based spirituality, Erin delivers the best of both worlds. She is project coordinator for medicinal seed saving by Herbalists Without Borders. You'll also hear her frequently on WPR's Garden Talk< and on local public access TV.