Brian Miller
Lumberjacks & Irishmen

Brian Miller has a great passion for the Irish music and traditional songs of Great Lakes workers. He knows the legends, people, & places, to a science, steeped in art. Raised in Northern Minnesota, enriched & deepened in Ireland and other lands, Brian plies his trade from St Paul, MN. Check out his collection recordings from 1924.

Season of the Heart
Season of the HeartAwakening to the birth in consciousness of the Christ spirit in us. By Sandy McKinney, Unity Christ Center, Eau Claire
Leaving a Legacy
Leaving a Legacy

What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?

by Sandy McKinney, Unity Christ Center, Eau Claire

Judith Gottlieb
Heart of the Earth

Heart of the Earth is the recently released CD by Judith Gottlieb & Liz Kohlenberg, calling the listener to a deep musical & spiritual encounter with the land, the water, the place of people in our environment, all comfortably fitting with a scientific knowledge and appreciation of the Earth, including Judith's education in geology and civil engineering.

Ellen Ochs
Uphill All the Way

Ellen B. Ochs is a prolific songwriter and perenial participant of all sorts folk musical - song circles, Stringalong weekends, White Pines quarterly open stage, and jams. An English major pouring creativity through her pen, Ellen brings joy and community through her music.

Nels Paulson
Sociology of Sustainability

A visit with Nels Paulson, sociologist in the Social Science Department of UW-Stout about his research & presentations on Old Ideas, New Knowledge, Sustainable Communities, on trophy hunting, and on influences of religious/spirituality in disaster relief. You can hear him talk about the LAKES project in his UW-Stout TED talk.

Fathali Moghaddam
Peace Psychology

Iranian-born Fathali Moghaddam is the editor of Peace & Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, from the American Psychological Association. He teaches at Georgetown University and his latest book is The Psychology of Democracy.

Featured Music
From a Distance - performed by Nanci Griffith

Nathen Aswell
Small Steps Big Life: It's About We

Nathen Aswell is a purveyor of conscious, positive music, his own & that of others. Among the many ways that he shares his music and inspiration is Blabcast-format interviews with people leading interesting lives called Small Steps Big Life.

Joe Jencks
You Cannot Hold the Flame

The music of Joe Jencks burns in the heart of the listener, both with his lyrics and his powerful voice. The stories and poetry of his songs lift up a vision of love, compassion and solidarity without preaching or posturing - just solid, inspirational music. In addition to a wealth of solo performing, he's now part of a trio called Brother Sun. As Joe says in one of his songs, "You may hold the candle but you cannot hold the flame".

Hal Niedzviecki
Trees on Mars

Words like innovate, change, and adapt can be inspirational or the agent of doom for our well-being, depending on your perspective. In Trees on Mars: Our Obsession with the FutureHal Niedzviecki takes us on a ride through the technology & ideas which promise that we can "win the future", giving us a penetrating look at the consequences of our mad rush "forward". Hal is founder and fiction editor of Broken Pencil Magazine, a "mega-zine", and author of several fiction & non-fiction books.

Some books by Hal Niedzviecki: