Mark Helpsmeet
Broadcasting Activism, Song & Spirit

The tables are turned in today's program, as Spirit In Action's regular host, Mark Helpsmeet, is himself interviewed by Robert Park of WIDE-LP, Madison, Wisconsin. Topics addressed are the roots of Mark's broadcasts and activism, the mechanics of building a syndicated community radio based program, and the goals and future of creation of spirit-focused shows aimed at improving the world.

Featured Music:
I Heard An Owl - Carrie Newcomer
Not In My Name - John McCutcheon


Lou Ureneck
Unsung Hero of the Armenian Genocide

A glimpse into the horror of one piece of the genocide that took place in Turkey in the early 1900's, The Great Fire, by Lou Ureneck, conveys the dark side and a few strands of silver lining amidst the disaster. With issues like American interests in oil & tobacco, folks interested in self-promotion, pay-back and deeply engrained religious prejudice, there are many lessons for today, including the role of little-known and unexpected people making compassionate, valiant, and even successful efforts to care for those in suffering.


Chris Vallillo
Unmetropolitan Music

Chris Vallillo's music is roots music. Occasionally it's on themes of things like the music of Abraham Lincoln's time, the poetry of Carl Sandburg, and the music of Stephen Foster, but there are also songs of his own place and time. Chris' music is stunningly rendered on his stable-full of guitars, and other instruments. Located in Macomb, Illinois, Chris sends his song from the heartland to the heart.

Blair Hull
What Song Thru Lighted Window Shines?

Blair Hull has founded 2 venues to feature outstanding music, first the Stained Glass Coffee House in Deerfield, Illinois, running 2006-2014, and the Lighted Window Concert series in Campbell, California. A musician herself, Blair became a UCC pastor and currently serves in Campbell.

Civil Rights Pilgrimage
Civil Rights Pilgrimage

A visit with a student participant of, the UW-EC staff founder of, and a Selma, AL, presenter of the Civil Rights Pilgrimage.

Sterling Duns
100% Sterling in Gift Rappin'

With a masters in poetry and feet planted faithfully in West Philly, Sterling Duns caught the hip-hop passion and has been churning out music with Hardwork Movement for years, and recently as part of a duo, City Love.

Joel Westheimer
Social Justice Schools

Joel Westheimer asks the deep questions and provides the important facts in What Kind of Citizen?: Educating Our Children for the Common Good. How should education in a democracy differ from that in other systems? What are the wider effects of standardized education? What kind of citizen do we want our schools to promote?

Stephen Ivancic
Workers vs Owners: Shafted

In Incident at the Bruce Mine Shaft, Stephen Ivancic uses historical fiction to highlight the real life issues around workers, unions, and opportunistic capitalists. Set in the iron mines of Northern Minnesota in the 1920s and focusing on the Finnish workers, some communist, some not, Stephen helps us to understand the dynamics of individualism, community, and power. Thoroughly documented, you discover rich inspiration for powerful ways we can work together now.


Mark Dvorak
We Become Not War

Mark Dvorak, in addition to his livelihood as a singer/songwriter, is a frequent teacher at the Old Town School of Folk Music in Chicago. With beautiful, soothing vocals, talented guitar or banjo fingers, and great songwriting, Mark will inspire and enchant you with his music.

Matt Rothschild
Progressive Voice for Democracy Matt Rothschild

A powerful advocate for democracy and progressive causes, Matt Rothschild led The Progressive Magazine for most of 32 years, and in now Executive Director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign. Matt has a birds-eye view of the nuts and bolts of government, elections, & the success or failure of democracy.