Chuck Suchy
Simply Flying On Dakota Breezes

Chuck Suchy balances a life stretched between two callings, one as a singer/songwriter, and the other as a farmer, tied to the land of the Northern Great Plains - specifically, North Dakota. His music often emerges from his connection to the place of his roots, but can also fly to romance, joy, and the freedom of spirit. See Chuck on Prairie Public

Douglas Gwyn
A Sustainable Life

While there are many sources of info on urgent environmental threats and of technological methods of dealing with those threats, few books tackle the major underlying question of how can we make a sustainable life actually be sustainable for the individual. In A Sustainable Life, Douglas Gwyn examines the essential inner work and the myriad complexities of initiating and supporting the choices of living sustainably, mostly using Quaker experience & insights as guideposts to the process. Douglas Gwyn is the author of numerous books.

Brett Kemnitz
Not Dead Yet

Brett Kemnitz does the booking for Milwaukee's The Coffee House. In addition to his solo singer/songwriter career, he has performed as part of the Plum Creek String Band and Pebble Creek Crossing - and with many other folks. Find his music on

Peter Smith
Supporting War Tax Resisters: Sharing the Brunt

The War Tax Resistance Penalty Fund ( is a way to help manage the risks of conscientious objectors to paying for war, something to think seriously about as April 15th approaches. Peter Smith talks about work with the WTRPF, the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee, Olive Tree Nicaragua, the Michiana Peace & Justice Coalition, and the St. Augustine Soup Kitchen.

Featured Music:
What If We All Stopped Paying Taxes? - by Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings

Ida Kristin
At Whole In the Universe: From Sweden, Brazil, & Nashville

Ida Kristin's latest release, along with David Llewellyn, is Songs Around the Kitchen Table. Hailing from Sweden, with maternal Brazilian influences, and living part-time in Nashville, Ida leads hearts and souls to stir, ponder, & laugh, even more potently when paired with Welshman David. Inspired by biological science, tried by hardship, and rooted in meditation, Ida sings a powerful song of the soul.

Gretchen Woelfle
Uncovering Black Independence History (& More)

In Mumbet's Declaration of Independence, Gretchen Woelfle, brings to life the true story of Elizabeth Freeman (Mumbet), whose efforts & determination led slavery to be declared unconstitutional in Massachusetts in 1783. Gretchen writes books for youth on a variety of social justice & environmental topics.

Other books by Gretchen Woelfle:
The Wind at Work: An Activity Guide to Windmills
All the World's a Stage: A Novel in Five Acts
Katje the Windmill Cat

Larry Penn
Larry Penn Rides Again, Part 2

Larry Penn was a prolific folk musician/song-writer in the footsteps of folks like Woody Guthrie and Utah Phillips, until his death in October, 2014. Using themes like trains, workers, and powerful, common folks, Larry was inspirational to so very many others, and some of those folks share their stories and Larry's songs in celebration of Larry. In part 2 of 2, we talk with Bill Camplin, Mark Dvorak and Brett Kemnitz.

Larry Penn
A Little Cookie from Milwaukee - Remembering Larry Penn, Part 1

Larry Penn was a prolific folk musician/song-writer in the footsteps of folks like Woody Guthrie and Utah Phillips, until his death in October, 2014. Using themes like trains, workers, and powerful, common folks, Larry was inspirational to so very many others, and some of those folks share their stories and Larry's songs in celebration of Larry. In part one of two, we'll visit with Craig Siemsen, Lil' Rev, and Mud River Lee.

Jean Alix Lusma
Orphanages Without Walls - in Haiti

Jean Alix Lusma grew up in a village near Les Cayes, Haiti. Pioneering the practice of keeping orphans in the community, instead of in an institution, Jean is working to heal people and uplift communities in Haiti through an organization, L.O.G.I.C (Let Orphans Grow In their Communities) of Christian Mission South Haiti. Jean studied at the College of the Scriptures in Louisville, Kentucky.

Craig Siemsen
Doing Alright

Craig Siemsen was a wandering musician till he came back home to Milwaukee and a duet of a life with Patty Stevenson. Sometimes Craig is solo act, sometimes a duo with his wife Patty Stevenson, and he leads the Plum Creek String Band. Folk, jazz, bluegrass - you name it, he does it.