Time Heals All - Timebanks & Composting
Time Heals All - Timebanks & Composting

Jamie & Zacharious Pappas dabble in magic - the magical transformations that are possible through creative processes that make bounty & beauty out of our detritus and down-time. First they founded the Chippewa Valley Timebank, knitting community out of spare talents, and now they are launching Earthbound Environmental Solutions to make rich soil out of organic waste typically buried in landfills.

Jill Suzanne Shook
A Place to Lay Your Head: Affordable Housing

In Making Housing Happen: Faith-based Affordable Housing Models, Jill Suzanne Shook brings together numerous models for making housing accessible to those in need. From the sweat equity ingredients of organizations like Habitat for Humanity, to adaptive reuse, to tenants taking ownership, community land trusts, and many more approaches, Jill highlights the possibilities and results of creative thoughts and dedicated spirits.

Jill has a graduate Certificate from Multnomah School of the Bible, a Master’s in Biblical Studies from Denver Seminary and a doctorate in Transformational Leadership from the Bakke Graduate School in Seattle, Washington.

Eve Decker
The Buddha Would Dig It - Eve Decker

Eve Decker weaves health and healing through her music, with a mixture all her own of Buddhist teaching and insights, plus Jewish wisdom and mysticism, and even modern psychological understandings. Combining her compelling voice with beautiful melodies and transcendent themes, Eve is a blessing in musical clothing!

Janet Cheatham Bell
Letting My Peaches Go - Liberating Black Thought

Not All Poor People Are Black (and other things we need to think more about) is a collection of essays by Janet Cheatham Bell, treating the reader to the insights and experiences of a strong African American woman from Indiana. Janet speaks movingly, honestly, and inspirationally of racism, spirituality, politics, and much more. With astonishing candor and humble brilliance, Janet opens eyes and minds.

Bill Staines
Critter in the Choir - Bill Staines

After 4 decades, Bill Staines continues to produce some of the best folk music of our times, some well-known like All God's Critters and River, hundreds more less-known. With inspirational, heartfelt, and sometimes just fun themes, Bill's music has reached folk devotees everywhere. Having logged more than 3 million miles while touring, Bill takes his musical gifts virtually everywhere, constantly adding to all the critters in the choir.

Kim Gillette
Girls on the Run

Girls on the Run is a program for young girls, seeking to ensure that "every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams". The primary program works with girls in 3rd-5th grades, and another curriculum deals with girls of middle school age, teaching life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and running games. Our guest is Kim Gillette, Council Director of Eau Claire's Girls on the Run Council.

Featured Music:
Atalanta - from Free to Be .... You and Me

Mud River Lee
Clear Water Meets Mud River Lee

Mud River Lee & the Bluegrass Orchestra (or sometimes the Bluegrass Bells) has been a fixture of the Milwaukee Folk Music scene for decades. Lee is also a co-founder and mainstay for the Milwaukee Musicians Coop. With a down-home style all his own, Lee warms a room with good music and a great ambiance. Lee's in Milwaukee and I'm in Eau Claire (Clear Water, in English).

Andrew Tomlinson
Tilting the UN Toward Peace & Justice - QUNO

Andrew Tomlinson has been the director of QUNO (Quaker United Nations Office) in New York since 2008. QUNO staff in New York & Geneva advocate for and work behind the scenes on issues like Peacebuilding, the Prevention of Violent Conflict, Climate Change, Food & Sustainability, and Human Rights & Refugees. Raised in the UK but a long-time resident of the USA, Andrew's background anthropology and finance give him the long-range and in-depth perspective needed to nudge the UN toward world-healing and peace.

Read the interview on Facing the Limits of Reconciliation with Andrew in Western Friend

Music Featured:
All the World Is One - Peter Mayer

Laurie Childers
Into Beauty

Laurie Childers lives out a stunning world of art and activism in Corvalis, Oregon. She performs both solo and with her band, the River Rocks, and her activism takes a number of forms, including her work as chair of the National Council of the Fellowship of Reconciliation. Beautiful music from a beautiful spirit.

Matt Watroba
Folks Like Us - Matt Watroba

Matt Watroba has been deeply immersed in folk music since 9th grade, including hosting the Folks Like Us show on WDET in Detroit and Folk Alley on WKSU at Kent State University, for a combined 26 years or so. With more than 3 decades performing, Matt is a master of the folk music genre, both as a performer and as a leader of group singing.