Music Medicine With Tricia Alexander

Tricia Alexander

Tricia Alexander's songs are Music Medicine. She is also a poet, a minister, a mentor, a healing artist, and, on top of that, she is a wonderful, vivacious, captivating storyteller. With a spirituality spanning all peoples and all lands, she experienced particular transformation through an encounter with Meher Baba. Tricia lives in the wider-Chicago orbit, you can check her out on Tricia's YouTube Channel, & you can support her on Patreon.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
12 Step Spirituality, Buddhism, Lutheran, Meher Baba, Methodist

All featured music is written and performed by Tricia Alexander:
One Tree, Many Branches - unreleased
Love is All Around Me - from We Are The People
It Don't Matter - from Grace
We Are The People - from We Are The People
This Little Light - from Grace
I Will Walk - from We Are The People

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Music Medicine With Tricia Alexander

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Tricia Alexander


I came to the episode  several months after it was first made. It was uplifting, thoughtful, fun, and revealing. I too vote for another talk and music visit with these two talented people... er, I mean Human Beings. 

Thank you for this marvelous conversation and the beautiful, soulful music. If I get a vote, I vote for a quarterly Mark and Tricia conversation plus music. So meaningful and delightful. An episode I will listen to many more times, I’m sure.

I have known Tricia for over 40 years, but this is the absolute best introduction to her spiritual path and musical and poetic contribution to all who have ever heard or known her.  I am a new listener to your broadcast and I am so happy hat you are out there spreading this kind of joy and inspiration. we are, indeed, the people that we have been waiting for.

Thank you for sharing her story and songs on your show.  She is a beautiful soul and I am blessed to call her friend.

Mark . . . 

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my music & my songs of the soul.  Your skills as an interviewer & editor created a program that captured the truth of the power of music in my life.

Thank you for all you do for all of us!

With Care, Tricia

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