Laura Goetz shares the Saturday Singalong at 6 pm CDT. She shares a wide assortment of group singing tunes, leading with her wonderful voice and accompanying herself on uke, banjo, piano, and even an occasional lip trumpet. Watch, listen, and sing along weekly via Facebook. Laura is a shy Upper Midwesterner with a musical gift created for a wide, but inobtrusive, audience!
Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Methodist, Unitarian Universalist
All featured music is performed by Laura Goetz of Saturday Singalong, and the authors of the songs are indicated below:
All of Me by Seymour Simons & Gerald Marks
Hard Times - by Stephen Foster
Come and Go With Me - Spiritual
It’s a Good Day - by Peggy Lee and Dave Barbour
We’ll Meet Again by Ross Parker and Hughie Charles
We're In This Together - by Ken Adler
Love Is All Around Me -by Tricia Alexander
Saturday Singalong With Laura Goetz
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Saturday Singalong With Laura Goetz
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Laura Goetz
Great voice!
She has a great voice and I look forward to her Saturday Singalong every week!
Saturday Singalong episode
Many thanks to Mark for inviting me to be a guest on Song of the Soul to share a bit about the Saturday Singalong project and recordings of myself singing a sampling of tunes we have sung together apart and apart together this year, as well as one—“We’re in this Together”—by Ken Adler, that I have yet to teach our Saturday Singalong family. Chatting with Mark was delightful.
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