Italian Woman On The Moon

First Air Date

Giulia Millanta is the best Americana singer from Italy you could ever hope to encounter. She's been in the USA, in Austin, TX, for the past 10 years or so, and she seems to be producing endless riches of music, 8 albums to-date. While her talent & craft are impeccable, it is her heart-and-soul touching lyrics and voice that make her a memorable treat for all who are blessed to hear her perform.

Women's Pride, Women's Wings: Randie O'Neil

First Air Date

Randie O'Neil's music is magnetic, especially in the deeply honest feelings and aspirations of her songs. Randie has self-described as a Americana/Folk-Pop artist, but she is also standing on the shoulders of a number of heavy-rocking, strong-and-assertive-and-determined women who blazed a way in a mostly male-dominated rock world. Though her songs are largely solo artistry now, back in the day Randie was part of AMA (Against Medical Advice), though she is truly FMA (For Mental-health Advancement).

Feeling the World's Heart with Dead Horses & Dan Wolff

First Air Date

Dan Wolff, along with Sarah Vos, have been the stable nucleus of Dead Horses since the band's inception. I interviewed Sarah back in 2016, fell in love with their music, so I'm so excited to have Dan here to share more of the riches they've created in the ensuing 7 years. Every song they share is an opportunity to feel deeply the heart of the world, and to be part of its healing as well.

Bottleneck & Finger-picking Story-telling from Kill Devil Hills

First Air Date

Ruth Wyand, of Kill Devil Hills, NC, is a wonderful songwriter and performer, with magic in her tunes and lyrics, though it was really her guitar work that first riveted our attention, complete with soul-captivating finger-picking and bottleneck slide flourishes. Though of a genre all her own, she channels elements of blues, jazz, & Americana - and much more. In addition to her own musical creations, she breathes new life and identity into the tunes of other musicians, making them all her own.

Sweden's Best Americana Heart-strings

First Air Date

Sofia Talvik self-describes as “Americana/Folk with Swedish Roots”, and it's so much better and wonderful than that can conjure. With the voice of an angel, she can play the strings of our hearts. Sofia has toured extensively in the US, though she lives mostly in Germany these days, where she makes music as part of the German/Swedish folk duo Hansan, combining Sofia and David Floer.

Saturday Singalong With Laura Goetz

First Air Date

Laura Goetz shares the Saturday Singalong at 6 pm CDT. She shares a wide assortment of group singing tunes, leading with her wonderful voice and accompanying herself on uke, banjo, piano, and even an occasional lip trumpet. Watch, listen, and sing along weekly via Facebook. Laura is a shy Upper Midwesterner with a musical gift created for a wide, but inobtrusive, audience!

Wolf's Howl, Moth's Flutter: Laura Farley

First Air Date

Laura Farley, along with her husband, Jym, are High and Rising, a duo from La Crosse, Wisconsin, getting ready to release their first CD. For some years now they, and up to 4 other people, are known as the Merry Weathers, playing folk/Americana, including bluegrass, folk, country, and rockin music, with a major emphasis on original tunes and including some long-loved covers.