Adventures In Sustainable Development - Joseph Hunt

Joseph Hunt - Sustainable World

Joseph Hunt has spent a lifetime seeking to empower a world where individuals reach their potential in health, learning, & well-being, and which is compassionate & sustainable. From his service in Nigeria during the war in Biafra, to his decades as a development economist throughout Asia, to his current position as a Senior Research Scientist at Harvard's Center for Climate, Health and the Global Environment, Joseph seeks a better world for all. Inspirational work in the field can be found at the Poverty Action Lab at MIT, in the United Nations Development Goals - Sustainable Development, through the La Via Campesina/International Peasants Movement, and in the work of Economics Nobel Peace Prize recipients, MIT economists Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo, and Angus Deaton.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Catholic, Muslim

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Adventures In Sustainable Development - Joseph Hunt

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Joseph Hunt


i heard your program on WDRT this morning, 17 january, am pleased to find you in eau claire and  that we share a common perspective.

i am fourth generation white settler farmer's daughter in a german american lutheran commiunity in sauk county , baraboo river watershed. if you have read the New Yorker article of last fall, "the Last Stand" by Dan Kauffman, you know part of my story, as randy brenda and i were classmates, randy's long suffering parents stood up in my parents' wedding. more of my history and context can be found on youtube, look for the Black Lives Matter rally in reedsburg last summer, watch the out of control racists and the enabling christians. Candace is my first cousin, she was raised in the missouri synod sect of the lutheran church; i remember her father in our kitchen condemning us to hell, Mother having married into the American Lutheran Church.

i also grew up six miles away from the late John Kinsman, of Family Farm Defenders fame, but i did not know him or his people as a child, as they were catholic , in another school district and not in 4H. in the 90's i returned from the peace corps , looking for radical farmers. i found John, AARMPA , scenic central coop NFFC and later La Via Campesina in the basement of the motherhouse of dominican sisters sinsinawa. i "crashed" the annual meeting of the Churches Center for Land and People , was asked to stay the night for my first FFD annual meeting and stayed active and organizing for the next several years. i went to seattle, came home with clear directions from la Via and the Indigenous Environmental movement and others attending workshops presentations and meetings going on amidst the chaos. i have a collection of paper ephemera from those days, a lot from seattle (people were publishing during the week), as well as a collection of what we were producing in the church movement at the time.
perhaps someone is interested in what i have here.

i would have given you a five star review had Dr. Hunt mentioned that the chinese government owns a quarter of US hog production (smithfield/WH) and will be feeding its wealthy elite at the expense of US midwest water soil community. and now with vilsack and the dairy export council in charge, and the growing desire for dairy being cultivated in asia, wisconsin will be the dairy cafo for china soon too.

thanks for the work

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